North Central STEM Region
November 10, 2022
Governor Reynolds Visits
CAL Elementary
Halloween was not just a time for sugary fun! At CAL Elementary, students had the opportunity to showcase all the amazing STEM programs they have to offer. Among those programs were several past and present Scale-Up programs. Governor Reynolds was given a brief lesson on flying drones and was thrilled when she was able to fly it with the help of students!
CAL staff appreciated the opportunity to show Governor Reynolds all of the amazing things they are doing at their school. One staff member said of the visit, "sometimes small schools do not have this opportunity. We were grateful that she took time out of her busy schedule to visit."
Not only staff were excited about the visit, but so were the students. Prior to Governor Reynolds arriving, students were busy getting their stations ready to show her all they knew about the many areas of STEM. "I remember teaching Governor Reynolds about debugging and how we have to try and figure out our mistakes. I do not think that she knew much about that," said Giancarlo, a 4th grader. The visit will be a lasting and impactful memory for many of the CAL students, including Sarai (4th grade) who said, "I was so nervous to talk to Governor Reynolds because our teachers said it was a 'big deal' that she was coming to our school, but she was really nice."

Govenor Reynolds was also impacted by the visit:

“I was very impressed by the dedication of the teachers and administrators to STEM based learning during my visit to CAL Elementary School,” said Gov. Reynolds. “I was inspired by the excitement and passion the students showed while demonstrating their incredible projects. My hope is that all students across the state have that same opportunity to unlock their potential through STEM-based learning.”
The STEM BEST® + HD (High Demand) Program is designed to provide real-world opportunities for students to explore and develop High Demand skills that are needed in our future workforce. We know that all students will be better prepared for ANY post-secondary success when they can attain and develop these skills early.

What are the benefits?
  • The STEM BEST® + HD Program provides up to $40,000 in funding for K-12 public and private schools in Iowa. 
  • The STEM BEST® + HD Program implementation timeline is 18 months (January 2023 - June 2024)
  • The STEM BEST® + HD Program has a 2:1 cost-share requirement
Project Timeline
  • October 3, 2022: Application Opens
  • December 14, 2022: Application Closes
  • December 2022 - January 2023: Application Review
  • Late January 2023: Award Announced
  • January 2023 - June 2024: STEM BEST® + HD Program Planning and Implementation
If you have questions, contact Mauree Haage at
CS Ed Week (Dec 5-11)
This year the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in partnership with numerous partners will offer a variety of resources, panel opportunities and activities for anyone interested in learning more about computer science. These resources and activities will be available online soon, so watch your email for details coming out next week!
Regional STEM Spotlight
Emma's Introduction
Hello! My name is Emma Freel. I am Mauree's new assistant, and I also help out with 4-H here at Iowa State Extension and Outreach.

I recently graduated from Iowa State in May with a degree in Management Information Systems.

Here I am holding Yellow. He lived to be 22 years old and made it all the way from my kindergarten graduation to my college graduation.

I'm currently caring for a rescue cat named Thunder, who was a stray just like Yellow.

Due to my background in studying programing and technology, as well as growing up in 4-H myself, I am thrilled to be helping out with this program.

Upcoming STEM Events!
November 15 Tech Talk in Mason City
November 16 NC Advisory Board Meeting
December 5-11 CS Ed Week! Look for schedule of events soon!
February 8 STEM Day at the Capital
January 9 Scale-Up Program Menu Announced

Know of other STEM events in North Central Iowa? Email us at:
NC Regional Manager:
Mauree Haage

Phone: 515-294-0645


Extension 4-H Building
1259 Stange Road
Ames, IA 50011