Every day, exceptional STEM educators across the state are helping prepare students for exciting, high-demand careers. Their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics is shaping the future through the next generation of Iowans. 

Does that sound like a teacher you know? Nominate them today for the 2023 Iowa STEM Teacher Award, sponsored by Kemin Industries! 

Now in its ninth year, this award recognizes leadership and dedication that increases student interest in, and awareness of, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The award is given to one licensed, full-time, PreK-12 teacher from each of Iowa’s six STEM regions. Recipients receive $1,500 for their classroom and $1,500 for personal use.

For this award, a full-time teacher is defined as an educator who spends at least 75% of their working hours (approximately 30 hours, minimum) in the classroom–both virtually and in-person–interacting with students. Nominations for previous award recipients and self-nominations will not be accepted. 

The deadline to submit nominations is Tuesday, October 11, at 11:59 p.m. CDT. Recipients will be announced in early 2023.

The nomination process is simple and open to everyone, including fellow teachers, school administrators, students, and parents. Visit www.iowastem.org/teacheraward-application 
to learn more and submit your nomination.