January 1, 2025

Welcome North Families,

We hope your break was relaxing and recharging.  The end of the second quarter is around the corner, and winter MAP testing begins January 6th, with math testing on January 7th-9th and reading testing on January 14-16th.   While this is only a snapshot of student knowledge, MAP is an important benchmark for students and staff to prepare for the 3rd quarter instruction and check on areas of strength and areas of growth. Attendance is very important these days, as this will help the staff support students with their skills and education growth and students set individual goals for the next semester. 

We are entering into the portion of the school year in which our distractions are limited and the opportunity to make some big strides in student learning is great.  We can’t wait to see how much our students have grown this year when we analyze our student’s MAP data and compare the winter to the fall data.  Please expect your students’ scores to be coming home with them after they do some goal-setting at the end of January.  We can’t wait to see our halls filled with students again. 

Teri Kovars


North Middle School

Meet our December

Optimist Students of the Month,

Allison Hatchell and Hattie Kasuboski!

Mark your calendars for

2025 Falls Summer Academy!

Session 1: June 23 - July 3, 2025

Session 2: July 7 -July 18, 2025


Grades K4-2 : Shady Lane

Grades 3-5 : Valley View

Grades 6-8 : Middle School

Grades 9-12 : High School

Please find the SDMF Family Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year below. 

25/26 Calendar

New Year New Goals!

As the new year begins, it's a wonderful time for families to come together and set shared goals. Encourage your middle schooler to dream big and set achievable targets. Whether it's improving academic performance, developing a new hobby, or increasing physical activity, help them break down their goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate progress along the way and remember that setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth. Most importantly, prioritize family time and create a supportive environment where everyone feels encouraged to pursue their passions. 

Your Student Services Department is here to help: 

Jeanne Tremelling, 6th Grade Counselor


Carrie Rebro, 7th Grade Counselor


Jennifer Bonilha, 8th Grade Counselor


Rachelle Bartels, School Social Worker


Marie Petrakovitz, School Psychologist


Karen Habegger, Administrative Assistant


We are excited to announce that we are beginning registration for the November 2025 8th grade trip to Washington, DC!

Our informational kick off meeting will be Monday, January 6th at 6:00pm in the auditorium at North. We’ll share information about registering, what kids will see and do as well as options to help defray the cost of the trip.

Please contact

Ms. Kenkel (kenkann@sdmfschools.org)


Ms. Schrank (schrsar@sdmfschools.org)

if you have any questions.

Jameson is always willing to help out and participate in class. 

He is a great role model for his peers and his efforts are appreciated!

Jameson S. - Nominated by Mrs. Marchese

Callin is so positive and is always ready to roll with the punches! He embraces learning and is quick to creatively problem solve in the art room. I am so happy to have Callin’s great energy in class this year!

Callin S. - Nominated by Ms. McCalligan

Emily always puts forth her best effort and does a great job of leading by example in my class. She also takes a lot of pride in her work. Keep up the great work Emily! 

Emily M. - Nominated by Mr. Cox

Olivia is directly taking what we are learning and applying the skills each day. 

She took a component of a previous lesson and brought it into the discussion of a new text...very impressive!

Olivia J. - Nominated by Mrs. Carstens

Ethan is a role model student... preparing for his test with textbook OUT and yellow sheet!! I appreciate you!  

Ethan N. - Nominated by Sra Kastner

Rachel was very helpful to the substitute when I was out of the classroom. She is a leader in the classroom and always displays kindness and respect. We appreciate you!

Rachel S. - Nominated by Mrs. Marchese

The North Dance Team competed at Watertown Spirit Invite and placed

1st in Jazz, 2nd in Pom, and 3rd in Kick.

The girls also earned best jazz routine of the whole day!

We had high-placing duets from Angelena & Hailey and Leela & Abby! And let’s not forget the solo performances from Hailey and Evy, who truly shined! Great job, girls!

Practice for the North Swim Team begins February 17th and runs through mid-March.

The North Middle School swim team is for individuals who are interested in improving their swimming abilities in preparation for competing in high school, focusing on teaching and advancing individual stroke technique, aerobic and anaerobic capacities along with competitive skills such as flip turns and race starts. No previous competitive swimming experience is necessary.

Practice is held after school at the MFHS Pool until 4:15pm. Students are transported from North to MFHS for practice. Parents must pick up their child from MFHS at the end of practice. 

The 2025 schedule will be published when it becomes available.

7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball:

Tryouts will begin on January 21, 2025. Please be sure to have the online registration completed prior to the first day of tryouts. A valid physical dated on or after April 1, 2023 is required to be cleared to participate.

Girls Volleyball Schedule

It's not too late to join in the fun with Get Fit Club! North Stars can join in on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:40 – 3:30 pm.

North Stars can participate as many times as they wish during the course of the year.

The schedule for January is as follows:

1/2 - Cardio/Weight Training

1/7 - Basketball/Volleyball

1/9 - Swimming

1/14 - Net Games

1/16 - Cardio/Weight Training

1/21 - Swimming

1/23 - Cardio/Weight Training

1/28 - Dodgeball

1/30 - Swimming

Boys Basketball Schedule
Wrestling Schedule
Athletics & Activities Registration

Spirit Week began with a cozy Pajama Day!

Red & Green Day

White Out Wednesday

90's Throwback

Hawaiian Day

6th Grade Band

7th Grade Band

8th Grade Band

Jazz Ensemble

Pop Strings performed at our Wednesday Staff Meeting.


Color: Blue

Food: Tacos

Restaurant: Old Germantown

Winter Activity: Playing Video Games

Summer Activity:


Movie: Star Wars

TV Show: Seinfeld

Book: Ready Player One

Childhood Cartoon:

G.I. Joe

How many years have you been at North Middle School? This is my first year.

What was your first job? I was a paperboy and delivered the Milwaukee Journal.

If you could get a free ticket to any event, what would you pick?

Led Zeppelin on the 1977 Tour

What is one thing that people would be surprised to know about you?

I dropped out of high school

Where is one place you would like to visit? Italy

If you could travel to any decade, what decade do you choose? The 1960's

What is one thing you could not live without? Music

If you had a bumper sticker on your car, what would it say? 

"Strange Women Lying in Ponds Distributing Swords Is No Basis For A System Of Government"

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off my student loans

What would be on your ultimate ice cream sundae? 

Vanilla Ice Cream, Caramel. Pretzels, & Chocolate Sauce

If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be? Gas

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

Snails (Escargot) or Chicken Feet (Dim Sum)

If you had to sing karaoke, what song do you sing? War Pigs by Black Sabbath

Want to know how to support teachers, support students, and get your kid into both dances for FREE? Click to join! Learn more about PTSO via our website

Important Dates

1/2 - School Resumes

1/6 - 1/17 - MAP Testing

1/16 - Orchestra Concert


1/20 - No School: MLK Jr. Day

1/24 - Assembly

1/27 - No School: Teacher Work Day

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