The auction:
Bob opened 1NT with his good 17. After a long pause Howdy put 2C on the table and paused again after Bob bid 2D. Howdy finally pulled the 3H card. (This is the ‘Smolen’ convention. 3H shows a game going hand with 4 hearts and 5 spades. Conversely, a jump to 3S over 2D would promise 5 hearts and 4 spades). Bob bid 3S confirming an 8 card fit and a non-minimum. (A jump to 4 spades would show a minimum no trump opener).
Now Howdy wanted to make a move towards slam but it wasn’t clear how to proceed. Using Blackwood with a void and a suit with 2 quick losers didn’t seem right. A cuebid seemed best. Howdy bid 4D. He later explained he was concerned that since this was matchpoints Bob might convert a final 6S contract to 6NT if he thought Howdy had a club control. ‘I made my cuebid in diamonds and hoped it would work out.’
With the high-end 1NT opener, Bob was happy to cooperate and he bid 4NT, RKC Blackwood. (A 4H cuebid is better here. It costs nothing and gives partner another chance to tell you something and Blackwood would still be available after a 4S call).
Howdy was thrilled to be able to show his void. 6C showed a club void and an odd number of keycards. (This is a very aggressive slam. The declarer should realize that not many pairs will be here, so you must pull out all the stops to make it).
The play:
Clarabell led the 3 of clubs.
Bob counted 11 tricks. 2 clubs, 4 diamonds, 1 heart and 4 spades after losing to the A. The 12th trick can’t come from diamonds. And in hearts you’d have to lose one to get one and you always lose the A of trump too.
Bob turned his attention to clubs. If they’re 4-4, no problem, he could set up the 5th one. If they’re 5-3 or worse he can try to ruff 3 of them. (This technique is called a ‘dummy reversal’ because you get an extra trump trick with the longer trump suit and pull trump with the shorter suit).
Bob ruffed the opening lead and returned to hand two times in diamonds to ruff clubs leaving this position:
Now Bob led the spade Q, taken by the A. The princess led a club
and Clarabell squirted Bob as he ruffed. Bob couldn’t recover, he had to lose a heart or a second trump.
Later at the bar in the Doodyville Tavern, Howdy explained to Bob how to make the slam.
You take the AK of clubs and ruff the 3rd round, play a diamond to hand and ruff another club. (South shows out, so you know the distribution). Now you lead a high spade from this position:
If North takes the ace:
- Win a spade return in dummy, come to hand with a diamond, ruff the last club, back to hand with the heart, pull the last trump and claim.
- Or win a diamond or heart return in hand, ruff a club, cash a trump, back to hand with the other red winner, pull the last trump and claim.
- Or ruff a club return in dummy, cash a trump, back to hand with either red winner, pull the last trump and claim.
If North ducks the ace; Play a diamond to hand, ruff a club and lead dummy’s last trump. When North wins, she only has hearts and spades which you win in hand, pull trump if necessary and cash the good diamonds.