Deal of the Week
by Mitch Snyder
Risky Business
After west opened 1D, north made a risky takeout double. The shape is near perfect but it’s a little light in HCPs. North may have overcalled 1S. The points are OK but the suit is poor. In defense of the double it does keep hearts in the picture. On the other hand, at unfavorable vulnerability maybe a pass is best.
West redoubled. This shows a hand with 10+ hcps. The understanding in this situation is that either your side declares or the opponents get doubled. Doubling the opponents, at this vulnerability is very lucrative.
With no major fit South tried 1NT instead of 2C. With only a partial stopper in diamonds this is a slight risk, but an opening bid of 1C or 1D does not always promise a long or decent suit. Be wary if the opening bid was a major.
West could have rebid diamonds, but decided to pass and see what partner had to say.
East knew that his side had 22+ HCPs but with no guaranteed game decided beating 1NT doubled for +200 was better than any partscore or beating it more than 1 was better than any game score, so he passed.