Deal of the Week
by Mitch Snyder
Good Bot, Bad Bot
This deal occurred in a BBO robot game. Sometimes they play well and sometimes not so much. I lucked out on this hand, my partner was able to carry out a simple auction without a mistake but the defense was so bad that they ruined my opportunity to execute a squeeze!
To see the hand Click here
The auction:
After a routine 2C opening bid, I ended up in 3NT. The 3S bid by north was minor suit Stayman. It promises both minors (at least 5-4), shows a willingness to explore for a minor suit slam and warns opener about major suit shortness.
The play:
After a spade lead I can count 9 running tricks and an easy 10th in diamonds but can I do better? Yes, I can make 3 diamonds tricks if I can avoid losing a trick to the 10.
There’s no sense in using dummy’s only entry to take a finesse that only gains when precisely K10 doubleton is onside and may cut you off from the last diamond if the king is held up twice.
The best way to play diamonds for 3 tricks is to cash the ace and lead towards QJ8 in dummy. This line works whenever west has the king (you may need to return to hand to repeat the finesse) or the 10 falls on the first or second diamond or the diamonds are 3-3.
I cashed the ace. The 10 fell. 3 diamond tricks were mine once I dislodged the king. I led the 9, (an unnecessary, in this case, precautionary unblock but a good habit to develop), and east hopped up with the king.
East assumably took the king in order to return partner’s suit. If east holds up the king for even 1 round or returns the club queen immediately there will be no squeeze and you’d be reading about a different hand this week.
Now that 3 diamonds are available there are 11 tricks and 2 dummy entries. I wondered if there was a squeeze for a twelfth trick. This is matchpoints, y’know, every trick counts.
For a squeeze to work you need to rectify* the count and have at least two threat cards. The count is already rectified and the 9 of spades and jack of clubs are threat cards, so all I had to do was picture an end position that makes both threats available.
*you’ve lost all the tricks you can afford to lose