From the Club Manager
Dave Dodgson
Congratulations to the following players who did well in last week’s STaC games:
Monday Open Pairs
- second: Dave Dodgson & Tom Salter
- sixth: Pat Andrews & Ellie Goldman
Tuesday 0-1000
- first: Rich Godshall & Kay Garrity
- second: Don Baker & Michael Carver
- third: Dave Hallman & Jane Pelullo
Wednesday Open Pairs
- second: Barbara and Bob Muhlhauser
- seventh: John Dickenson & Elaine Clair
- second in C: Jane Pelullo & Gail Kirrstetter
Thursday Open Howell
- fourth: Dave Willgruber & Jeffrey Rohrbeck
- sixth: Pat Andrews & Mitch Snyder
Thursday 0-299
- first: Gail Kirrstetter & Jane Pelullo
- second: Jackie Zelle & Marcia Yanoff
Friday Teams
- first: Peggy Michaud & Ross Currie & Joyce Levin & Don Baker
- second: Gail Kirrstetter & Jane Pelullo & Barbara Daly & Katherine Link
- second: Arlene Lessak & Cheryl Berman & Josephine Ferguson & Anne Cheney
Unit 141 Ace of Clubs. The results of last year’s Ace of Clubs for Unit 141 are available on our website.
Special congratulations to Lauren Dougherty who came in first in the 1000-1500 group.
Grand National Teams. A reminder if you are forming a team for the GNTs, you have to register by February 27 for flight A (0-6000). The match is online, so you can play from anywhere. Details are available on our website (link.)
Board Meeting. The next North Penn Bridge Club Board meeting is Thursday, February 23 at the club. Time: 10 a.m. All are welcome.
February 22: 0-50 monthly game.
February 23: 0-299 game at noon. Please sign up in advance as follows:
- Email Pat Andrews at [email protected]
- Email the club at [email protected]
- Sign up in the book at the club, specifying that you want to play in the 0-299 game
February 20-24: All club games are for the benefit of Education Fund Week. There are extra points and an additional $1 fee.
February 27-March 3: Club Championships with lots of extra points!
Save the Date. On Saturday March 25 there will be a bridge game at the club to thank Pat Andrews for her outstanding leadership during the past two years. It will be an Individual Movement which means no partners needed. Stay tuned for details.