North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 04/10/2023

Tuesday Night Shuffle and Deal

Do you have friends who once played bridge and would like to get back into it? Our Tuesday evening Shuffle and Deal is a relaxed way to observe, learn, play and ask questions.

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

April 13: 0-299 game at noon. Please sign up in advance as follows:

  1. Email Pat Andrews at
  2. Email the club at
  3. Sign up in the book at the club, specifying that you want to play in the 0-299 game

April 10-14. Charity Games.

April 15. Robot Individual - 4 p.m.

April 24-28. Club championships. Wednesday, April 26 is the ACBL-wide charity game.

April 27. Next Pro-Am. If you are a Life Master you are a Pro; if not you’re an Am. Be sure to sign up at the club or call and leave a message.

April 28-29. Allentown Sectional.

May 1-5. Rehoboth Beach Regional. Are you thinking about going to the Rehoboth Beach Regional? If you are, and if you have fewer than 100 MPs, be sure to take advantage of the special games that will be run by Deb Crisfield on Thursday afternoon (5/4) and Friday morning (5/5.) These games will be as relaxed and pressure-free as our own North Penn newcomer games. Come join us at the beach for some fun!

Stay Tuned

The North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club will be Fifty Years Old this year! Plans are underway for a very special celebration. As a pre-curser to the event, we would like to publish historical happenings and anecdotes. If you have a contribution, please contact Toysie Walker at


Shuffle and Deal. Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. and Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Everyone welcome!

Deb Crisfield will be offering two more classes on Tuesday night. These classes will take the place of the regular shuffle and deal and are open to everyone but geared toward the newer player. No advanced sign up necessary. Drop-ins are welcome. $20 per person per class.

April 25th: Responding when your partner makes a preemptive bid

May 2nd:  Competitive bidding decisions

Joann Glasson’s Bridge Lessons. Next lesson is April 24. Click here for details.

Online Bridge Lessons with Lisa Mita. Only three more Monday classes: 4/17, 4/24 and 5/8. Click here for details.

Rank Achievements

Deb Crisfield--.---Gold Life Master

Joel Myers--------Gold Life Master

Ellen Luchette--..-Advanced NABC Master

Marc Topaz--..----Advanced NABC Master

Jeff Rohrback----NABC Master

Phyllis Toegel-..---NABC Master

Diane Basil--------Junior Master

Robbie Hain---.--=Junior Master

National Races


  • Lee Stanley in the 300-500 category was 12th with 266 master points.
  • John Dickenson in the 5000-7500 category was 22nd with 595 master points.

Ace of Clubs:

  • John Dickenson in the 5000-7500 category was 24th with 300 points.


To add your name to the player list or to request a partner for a game, please send an email to


Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


“When you redouble for rescue, this is known as an SOS Redouble. That’s because SOS (Save Our Souls) is the international code transmitted by a vessel in distress. In the same way, a bridge player whose partnership is heading for a large penalty may also send out a distress signal.”

From 25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know

by Barbara Seagram & David Bird

Deal of the Week

by John Dickenson

Baze Convention

After partner opens 1N and responder uses Stayman, finding a 4-4 major fit, how can one make a slam try in that major? We all know that after 1N-2C-2H, 4N is a quantitative raise with 4 spades, denying a heart fit. The solution is a device invented by the late, great Grant Baze of California. I present below two versions of the convention, Baby Baze which everyone should play, and Full Baze for those willing to tackle a bit more.

Baby Baze

After 1N-2C-2M, 3oM (three of the other major) sets trump and shows SI (slam interest). Now opener can sign off in 4M, or show SI by bidding a control below game. Conversely, 1N-2C-2M-4M denies SI. Since after 1N-2C-2M 3oM is an otherwise unused (idle) bid, this convention gives up nothing.

Full Baze

Same structure except 3oM promises shortness somewhere, singleton or void.

Most partnerships that play Full Baze play that 1N-2C-2M-4D shows a balanced slam try with at least an 8 card fit

1N-2C-2H-3S shows 4+ hearts, forcing raise, slam interest with shortness

3N asks:

4C=club singleton/void

4D=diamond singleton/void

4H=spade singleton/void (we don’t want to go past 4H)

Now it gets really granular when the suit is spades, as we have more room over the 3H Baze bid:

1N-2C-2S-3H shows 4+ spades, forcing raise, slam interest with shortness

3S=(is it a void or singleton?)

3N=(void somewhere)

4C=club singleton

4D=diamond singleton

4H=heart singleton

After the 3N response showing a void somewhere, 4C asks where:

4D=club void

4H=diamond void

4S=heart void

It should be obvious that after these sequences, opener will be in a good position to assess slam potential. A minimum 15 point NT with two small in a suit responder is short in will have more slam potential than a maximum 17 point NT with KQx in responder’s short suit.

Those who are brave enough to tackle the robots on BBO should know that the bots play a form of Baby Baze, and do so over 2N as well (the bots do not play Puppet Stayman over 2N). Here are two back to back hands I played where Baby Baze came up.

Note that I missed a grand and although trumps were set it would be foolish to bid RKCB with two small diamonds


Here the robot was able to trot out RKCB once I showed D control. But he dozed off and did not bid a grand despite knowing we had all 5 keys, the diamond king and the trump queen. With his huge source of tricks in clubs he should bid 7N over my 6D bid. He can count 13 tricks, a spade, 4 hearts, 2 diamonds and 6 clubs.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

One Wednesday club night the declarer was a painstakingly slow player, everybody had lost interest in the game. One person was looking at the ceiling while another the scenery outside the windows. Even the player himself had started to feel embarrassed and kept saying "Sorry", but with no result. One of the players at the table, to console (!) him, said: "Don't worry, it is not next Wednesday yet!."

Wed, Apr 05


Pamela Schleif & Anne Oglevee

April Birthdays

Abel, Constance

Batchelder, Karen

Brennan, Deane

Chiodo, Carol

Corner, Anne-Marie

Dehlin, Barry

Hillenbrand, Gary

Kofron, Clarence

Langbein, Susan

Michaud, Peggy

Milton, Roger

Myers, Joel

Schwaidelson, Bruce

Stuart, Harriet

Yanoff, Jay

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
Visit our website