South opened 2S. Only the most conservative bidders would pass this hand not vulnerable.
I bid 4D to show the 2 suiter, again. This hand is a monster and I will be looking for slam.
North may have competed to 4S, especially at this vulnerability.
Partner bid 4H. Once again I felt that 5H was safe so I blasted right into Blackwood this time. Partner responded with 5H, two without (that has nothing to do with onions on a cheesesteak). 5NT by me was to let partner know we have all the keycards, just in case. 6H.
Once again there wasn’t much to the play, pull trump and make an overtrick if diamonds are friendly.
It's uncanny how similar these hands are. There is, however, one noticeable difference. One slam was reached via cuebidding and the other with Blackwood.