Deal of the Week
by Bucky Sydnor
It's My Call (and yours)
I was dealer, red against white, holding
♠53 ♥A432 ♦J ♣A109843
While the hand has great possibilities for 3♣, the 4-card heart suit headed by the ace along with a second ace argue against it, so I passed. The auction then goes
P – 2♠ – Dbl – 4♠ back to me
What would you call here? After 4♠, if I double, my partner may well leave it in, thinking I have some valuable spade cards, or at least enough to get us +100 (down one) rather than us going down one in a 5-level contract for -100. Certainly, she’d have a big decision to make in uncharted territory.
So, I decided to bid 5♣. The auction then goes
P – 2♠ – Dbl – 4♠
5♣ – P – 6♣ – P
Once again, what would you call here? I passed, fearing my pard had a losing spade trick and 6♣ was high enough. But that thinking was flawed. It’s impossible for partner to have a spade loser, unless she’s a very foolish bidder, and she’s definitely not that.
Why no spade loser? Because I am holding two aces. She cannot possibly bid 6♣ off two aces and a spade loser. That’s expecting me to cover too many losers. Rather, to bid 6♣, she either has the singleton ♠A or a spade void. With either holding she only needs to assume I have one ace for having freely bid 5♣. So, with my two aces and a 6-card club suit, I should have bid 7♣. I just didn’t think it through.
Here’s the deal: