The Redundant 5NT
Since North Penn has returned to (some) live bridge, I thought I’d bring you a hand that was played F2F some years ago at a Regional Knockout. It’s about the birth of a new convention: The Redundant 5NT.
Being a knockout there were no hand records so the spot cards might not be exactly right.
My hand:-------------------KQ5
In an uncontested auction, Vul against NV my partner dealt and opened 1S and, playing 2/1, I responded 2C. My partner now bid 2S, promising 6, and I knew we belonged in at least 6S so I laid down the 4NT card. Partner bid 5C; 1 or 4 key cards. Having all the keycards I bid 5NT to check on kings and partner bid 5D, showing the King of Diamonds and denying the King of Clubs.
In case you didn’t notice 5D was insufficient.
My RHO didn’t notice either and passed. The pass constituted an acceptance of the 5D bid so I bid 5NT again to see what else my partner had. Partner now bid 6C (brilliant!) to show the Queen of Clubs since she had already denied holding the King. (If partner had the King of Hearts she would bid 6H.) Well, 6C was the best bid I could have hoped for so I took the plunge and bid 7NT.
Had partner bid 6H, there are 12 top tricks as long as one of the black suits runs making 6NT a safer contract than 6S as there is no risk of a ruff and, if playing matchpoints, a better scoring contract.
If partner bids 6S over the second 5NT, denying a second feature, 6S would be the final contract.
My partner’s hand was:---A97852
Both black suits cooperated and the contract made. At the other table they bid 6S and we gained 13 IMPs.
Besides a new convention, (not available on BBO), there is another bit of wisdom to take from this. If your opponents make a mistake feel free to take advantage of it. It’s part of the game.