North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 07/08/2024

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

Next Board Meeting. Monday, July 15, 10:00 a.m. Everyone welcome.

The Longest Day. We will continue to collect donations until the end of July. If you wish to donate, you have three options:

  1. Online by clicking here: North Penn Longest Day 2024 Contributions
  2. By check made out to the Alzheimer’s Association. Checks may be dropped off or mailed to the Club at 298 Wissahickon Ave, North Wales, PA 19454.
  3. Cash donations and checks can be placed in the Purple Alzheimer’s Association Box at the Club.

Thanks again to all who have donated, helping us to exceed our goal.

Club Manager Wanted. After five years as your Club Manager, I am retiring. Accordingly, we are actively seeking someone who would like to step in to schedule the games and make sure the club keeps running. This is a wonderful chance to make a contribution to the club and your fellow players. Click here for a complete job description. Roger and I are available for questions.

July Events

July 10------Four is Enough

July 8-12---.STaC week. Silver points awarded.

July 13------Robot Individual

July 19------0-500 Swiss teams

July 15-19--.NAP Qualifying. Half red points.

July 22-26-.NAP Qualifying. Half red points.

July 24-----.0-99 game

Upcoming Tournaments:

  • July 8-12 - STaC Week
  • July 16 - District 4 Online Tournament. 7 p.m.
  • July 18-28 - NABC in Toronto, Canada


Shuffle & Deal Wednesday. THERE WILL BE NO S&D ON JULY 10 DUE TO THE FOUR IS ENOUGH GAME. It will resume next week.

Remember, our Shuffle and Deal sessions are open to all who have an interest in supervised play (not just new players.)


If you need a partner for a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday Open game, please email We will do our best to match you with others who are looking for someone with whom to play.

Requests for Tuesday and Friday limited games should go directly to Mitch Snyder at


Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

Email your questions, or a pesky hand, or something you’d like to know about bidding or playing to Toysie at She will forward them to the panel, one will be chosen, and the question and answers will be printed in the following week’s newsletter.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


Deal of the Week

by Mitch Snyder

Not Robotic Science

This hand is from a recent robot game. Not every one likes to play with robots because their bidding and play is often questionable. For instance, if you make a balancing bid they frequently bid on and you end up in a ridiculous no-play contract. Another one of their major flaws is that almost all doubles are treated as takeout even when its clearly a penalty double. And don’t try any ‘normal’ treatments as the robot’s understanding of them is questionable.

On defense they sometimes play like they have no idea what’s going on. They love to cash unsupported aces or switch suits for no good reason. This often gives declarer back the tempo lost on the opening lead.

Click here to see today’s hand.

In today’s hand I could have doubled and then bid spades to show a big hand but playing with a robot its best to keep it simple so I overcalled and then jumped to show pretty much the same hand. With a human partner I may or may not have started with a double.

With nothing better to lead, west led his partner’s suit. Not having supported hearts west correctly made a count lead, (low from 3 or more).

Looking over the hand and assuming east has the club ace and spades are friendly there are 3 losers, a heart and 2 clubs. Given that EW only have 15 combined HCPs and east opened, the ace of clubs is almost certainly on side. There is a chance for an extra trick in diamonds where I might be able to pitch my third club. After pulling trump I could play the diamond AK, maybe the queen will fall. If not, I can ruff the 3rd round but even if the queen falls, how do I get back to dummy? Robot defense, that’s how.

I played low from dummy on trick one and east took the ace. Not the best play as I discarded the king to create a dummy entry, but all the robot had to do was play another heart to knock out the entry. Holding queen third in diamonds, east can see that they will set up with a single ruff, so knocking out the re-entry is imperative.

But nooo…, it cashed the club ace and continued clubs even though there was still time to knock out the entry.

The rest was easy. I won the club, pulled trump and played all but one giving the defense a chance to make a bad discard. Next, I took the diamond AK and trumped a third round. The queen fell and I reentered dummy with the heart queen to pitch a club on a diamond making 5.

Humans can and will make mistakes too. It’s always best to leave yourself as many options as possible to make an extra trick.

Making 5 was an 81% result.

Making 4 was only worth 30%.

Watch this space for future big game scorers.

It could be you and your partner!

Play often to improve the odds!

Useful Links

Recent ACBL Rank Achievements

Results of recent games on NPDBC website

Results of recent games on ACBL Live

Results of NPDBC Online Games on BBO

Info about online games on NPDBC website

NPDBC Home Page

Archived NPDBC Newsletters

ACBL Home Page

BBO Home Page

July Birthdays

Binnick, Steven

Clair, Elaine

Dickenson, John

Kirrstetter, Gail

Melchiorre, Evelyn

Milton, Beth

Morganstein, Stanley

Scena, Sherry

Tilney, Sandy

Tweedie, Harry

Walker, Toysie

Waters, John

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
Visit our website