Deal of the Week
by Mitch Snyder
The Real Value
When you pick up a new hand the first thing you should do is evaluate it for a possible opening bid. Later in the auction you will re-evaluate for a possible overcall, response or advance, taking into account all prior calls.
North’s hand as dealer: A753 KQ74 T JT65
It’s a nice hand but it’s not an opener. South opened 1H in third seat and west made a takeout double. The auction so far:
Now is the time to re-evaluate. There is a great 4 card fit, a first round control and a second round control in the doubler’s suits. In terms of support points there are 13; 10 hcps and 3 for the singleton (count 3 for a singleton with 4+ card support). The north hand now has opening hand values in support of hearts.
You could choose to bid 4H directly or 4D, a splinter promising 4+ hearts 0-1 diamond. Since you are a passed hand, if you bid 4H partner will expect you to have a weakish, distributional hand and suspect that your call might be highly speculative. 4D is much more descriptive of this hand.
The complete auction: