Greetings to the
North Penn Bridge Community!
Week of 08/15/2022
From the Club President
Pat Andrews

What I love most about bridge is the lifelong learning. After playing for 12+ years, I’m amazed at how much I learn every time I play. And I’ve noticed that the very best players commit to continuous improvement by taking lessons from good teachers and coaches. About a year ago, I decided to take bridge lessons on a regular basis and have been gratified to see my game improve, especially in the basics of card play and defense. I’ve signed up for John Dickenson’s series on defense starting September 12 and look forward to improving my knowledge about this critical subject. Hope to see you in class!!
From the Club Manager
Dave Dodgson

Important Announcement Regarding the Tuesday 0-750 Game. Effective immediately, the masterpoint requirement for this game will increase from 0-750 to 0-1000.

August Schedule:

August 15-19 STaC Week - earn extra silver points! Your scores are compared against everyone else in the District.

August 22-31 NAP Qualifying - last chance to qualify for the North American Pairs at the club.

September 5 Labor Day. The club is open and we are having a party!

September 21 Pro/Am game at noon. Stay tuned for details!

Robot Individual. We tried something different this time and made the human the declarer for every hand. Did you like it or do you prefer letting the robot declare? Let me know.

Our partnership desk is up and running. If you are interested in being on the list, please send an email with your name, contact information and any questions you might have to:

Likewise if you need a partner for a game, send an email to and let us know what day you wish to play.

You will be contacted by email with the names of available players and you can then reach out if you wish. You will also be contacted when someone else is looking for a partner.
Limited game players are encouraged to continue working with Mitch Snyder to coordinate partnerships for the Tuesday and Friday morning games.

Thanks in advance; we hope to see you at the tables soon!

Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

Fall Lessons:

Defensive Carding - September 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 9-11 a.m. Teacher: John Dickenson. See this link for details.

New Beginner Bridge Classes - October 17 for seven consecutive Monday evenings from 7-9 p.m. Teacher: Deb Crisfield. Please contact Deb at or 973-769-9619 to sign up.

And be sure to spread the word! Tell your friends who are still working that they'll want to learn the game before they retire!

Carole Bishop----Ruby Life Master
Mark Cohen-----.Gold Life Master
Betsy Cutler-----Ruby Life Master
Robin Siegel-----Bronze Life Master

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.

“You cannot create understandings on the spot. You must have good partnership understandings and then stick to your system. Nothing tends to split open a partnership more than a disorganized defense which allows declarer to bring home an unmakeable contract because the defenders were unable to communicate clearly with each other.”

From How the Experts Win at Bridge
by Burt Hall and Lynn Rose-Hall
Deal of the Week
by Mitch Snyder

Lucky Squeeze (or keep your options open)

I had a simple squeeze hand, much like Bucky’s from two weeks ago, prepared for today but this hand came up several days ago in a robot game on BBO. The format was ‘Just Declare’ where the auction is given and all you do is play the hand. You often end up playing ridiculous contracts such as 4M in a 4-2 fit.

The auction:

This was a surprisingly decent auction for this game. North made an inverted minor suit raise and after south showed a balanced hand with stoppers in the majors north bid a quantitative 4NT which was accepted.

With only 18 HCPs, no substantive spot cards and no 5 card suit, this invitation was very aggressive. North knows that south has a balanced hand with a maximum of 14 HCPs otherwise south would have bid a suit at his second turn or would have opened notrump with 15 or more. In my experience, a combined 32 HCPs between two balanced hands does not make a good slam.

The play:

As you can see this does not look promising.

There are 9 top tricks. 1S, 2H, 4D & 2C. There could be two more tricks in clubs if the Q is onside and they break 3-3 or there is some other friendly lie of the suit and there is another trick available in spades on a finesse. This is asking a lot but in this BBO format it pays to play to make, as one does in team games.

I took the club finesse at trick 2 and it, of course, lost. I won the club return in dummy to preserve the hand entry as dummy has the spade entry (communications are so important) and paused to think. If clubs break and the spade finesse works that would be 11 tricks and maybe a squeeze will develop for trick 12. There’s no hurry to find out about clubs yet and, besides, I kept the King as it might provide a needed entry later. I cashed the queen of diamonds, noting that west started with a singleton. Next the spade finesse worked (yay!) and I cashed dummy’s diamonds.

Here's where the fun begins.

West could afford to pitch a heart on the third diamond but was squeezed in 3 suits on the fourth. He pitched a club. Now I knew the fourth club would be good and I was up to 11 tricks. I entered my hand with the club K, went back to dummy with a spade and played the last club. West was squeezed again, this time by the suit he unguarded the first time.

This is known as a progressive or repeating squeeze where one opponent is squeezed in three suits and then in the other two suits.

If west had discarded a spade or a heart on the last diamond, the squeeze would still work:
On a spade discard; cash the spade ace, come to hand with the club king and play the spade queen squeezing west in clubs and hearts. On a heart discard; cash heart ace, come to hand with the heart king and play the last heart squeezing west in clubs and spades.

Only 4 of 27 people made the slam. Squeezes work. Keep your options open and maybe one will develop for you.
Laughter is the Best Medicine

Wife holds her bosom before her husband leads. He wants to lead a diamond, but when he sees her holding her bosom, he leads a heart. A diamond lead would have set the hand. He asks her why she was holding her bosom. She says: "I wasn't holding my bosom, I was trying to show a bust!"
Peggy Michaud & Ross Currie

August Birthdays

Becker, Steve
Bryant, Gwendolen
Fehnel, Mary Jean
Handlon, Linda
Junkin, Beth
Krehling, Heather
Liebman, Suzanne
MacFadden, Suzanne
Miller, Belle
Miller, Joseph
O'Malley, Brendan
Stong, Cynthia
Strouse, Dick
Tredinnick, Jane
Tweedie, Mary
Woodbury, Woody

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932