North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 11/21/2022

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

Wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving!

STaC. Congratulations to everyone who did well during STaC week. Click here to see the final results.

Holiday Parties. There will be three holiday parties this year. The bridge club will provide the main course (sandwiches or similar) for each. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to make it a festive buffet.

-----December 12 - Open game

-----December 14 - Shuffle and Deal

-----December 16 - 0-750 game

Water Cooler. We have decided to remove the noisy water cooler. You can get water from the tap and ice from the refrigerator. You can heat water in the microwave or in the pot on the far side of the room. Let us know if you think we should buy a new cooler.


The slate of candidates for the three vacancies on the North Penn Board of Governors (2023-2025) has been finalized. The three candidates are: Elaine Clair, Roger Milton and Dennis O’Brien. Elections would normally take place during our holiday party week, December 12-16, but since there are only three candidates for three positions, these candidates will be voted in that week by acclamation per the Club By-Laws. Thanks Elaine, Roger & Dennis for your willingness to serve as Board members for our Club!

From the Membership Chair

Mitch Snyder

Long Winded Version: As most of you know our membership year coincides with the calendar year. We normally strive to collect dues face-to-face for a couple weeks in December often coinciding with the holiday parties. And this year, even with so many other ways to pay: on-line, by mail, using the drop box or directly to a club officer we’ll still do it the traditional way because if you’re like me you want to hand your hard-earned cash directly to someone you trust, who will look after your money like it’s his or her own. So, during the week of Dec 5, at all games I or my carefully selected and properly vetted assistant will be live and on-site to take your $20 and officially make some sort of mark next to your name on a sheet of paper.

Short Winded Version: Skip the hassle of paying on-line, by mail or putting cash or check into a drop box. Pay your 2023 membership face-to-face the week of Dec. 5. Representatives will be available to assist you.

Just the Facts Ma’am: Dues collection station at the club week of Dec 5. $20.


Starting December 6th, we will be offering a mentored Shuffle and Deal experience on Tuesday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. It's a bargain at $5 a person. Drop-ins welcome. No advance sign ups and no partner needed. Mark your calendar and be sure to join us!!

Joann Glasson’s bridge lessons will resume on Monday January 16. Click on this link for the details.


To add your name to the player list or to request a partner for a game, please send an email to


Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


“When you have the HIGH trump(s) (partner has none,) and you are on lead, cash the high trump(s) UNLESS your trump holding prevents declarer from running a side suit.”

From Defensive Tips

by Edwin B. Kantar

Deal of the Week

by John Dickenson

It's A Sin

I see many sinful bidding sequences at the club, but this one takes the cake.

North quite reasonably opened 1D and South responded 1H, at which time North rebid 1S.

Sin #1

South now bid 3H which is non forcing! I tell my students that with an opening hand opposite an opening hand, the partnership must get to game. In other words, responder must not make a non forcing bid below game! A second round jump in no trump or a suit previously bid by the partnership is invitational, not forcing.

North for some reason accepted the invite and bid game with her minimum 12 count and two low hearts.

Sin #2 and Sin #3

South now trotted out 4NT, Roman Keycard Blackwood, committing two sins with one bid. The first being inviting to game and then going slamming when partner accepts your invitation. Perhaps here she was trying to compensate for merely inviting game with a powerful 15 count opposite an opener – if so, the phrase “oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” comes to mind, as one lie causes others in a domino effect.

The conjoined sin is of course bidding RKCB with a void. When North responded showing 1 or 4 keys, South with 3 keys and a void could not tell if partner held the worthless diamond ace or the highly desirable trump king.


6H did not fare well on an 8 card trump fit missing the king, queen and jack. Let’s see if we can propose a sensible auction.

After 1D-1H-1S, I would bid 2C, 4th suit forcing and artificial. This immediately sets a game force and strongly implies 5 or more hearts. North without three hearts or a sure club stop would likely rebid 2D, over which South can bid 2H showing a 6 card suit. North should raise directly to 4H, “fast arrival” to deny any semblance of slam interest. That should end the auction given South’s ratty trump suit. Even if South makes a slam try (by cueing 5C, NOT by bidding RKCB), North’s 5D cue will dampen even the most fervent South’s animal spirits and she can safely sign off in 5H, which makes as the cards lie.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Billy Eisenberg tells me after we go over our system: "Our convention basket is overflowing, we are leaking conventions."

Bridge humor from

Eddie Kantar

Fri, Nov 04

Fri, Nov 11



Ross Currie & Don Baker

Ed Heater & Michael Carver

November Birthdays

Adelman, Nancy

Abell, Dick

Bauer III, William

Dowling, Christina

Fryman, Maribeth

Garrity, Kay

Gewirtzman, Steven

Goldman, Bill

Goldman, Ellie

Meyers, Alan

Salasin, Sandra

Serfas, Robert

Sigmund, Ruth

Stanley, Lee

Teates, Mike

Tolles, Leslie

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
Visit our website