North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 11/28/2022

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

December Schedule. Extra points are available all month for the F2F games.

December 5-9 Club Membership week. There will be a Swiss Team game on Friday, December 9.

December 10 Robot Individual Online Game. 4 p.m.

December 6 New Shuffle & Deal Added to Regular Schedule. (See Education below for details.)

December 12-16 Club Championship the week. There will be parties on Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning, and Friday morning. The bridge club will provide the main course (sandwiches or similar) for each. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to make it a festive buffet.

December 19-30 Charity games.


Membership. Club Membership week is the week of December 5. We will have someone at the club ready to accept your dues of $20 for next year. You can also pay online. Check the Membership item at the bottom of our webpage for details.


Save the Date - Pro/Am game Thursday, January 12. Be sure to sign-up in the book at the club. Anyone who is NOT a life master is an Am; anyone who IS a life master is a pro. All are welcome…the more the merrier!


Shuffle and Deal.

Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. Just added! Begins Tuesday December 6.

An additional Shuffle & Deal opportunity has been added to our regular schedule. This one will take place on Tuesday evenings. Both of these programs offer less experienced players an opportunity to practice bridge in a low key environment. All levels welcome! There is always at least one mentor roaming the room to answer any questions. You don't need a partner or a commitment. It's $5 per session - just drop-in to have some bridge fun.

Joann Glasson’s bridge lessons will resume on Monday January 16. Click on this link for the details.


To add your name to the player list or to request a partner for a game, please send an email to


Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


“In general it pays to lead a suit bid by partner, even though the opponents have bid no-trumps afterwards.”

From 100 Winning Bridge Tips

by Ron Klinger

Deal of the Week

by Mitch Snyder

The Gift Exchange III

Halloween had come and gone and Thanksgiving was in the rearview mirror as Santa gathered the troops for some Black Friday bridge before moving into full Christmas mode. Hanukah Harry was able to play this year since Hanukah wouldn’t start until about a week before Christmas, unlike last year when Hanukah started in November. Elvira Elf, a perennial force in IMP games was planning to play with Rudolf but he was nowhere to be found so the Grinch was filling in.

This year’s format was a team match. Comet and Cupid who had filled in last year were playing on Santa’s team. When asked about Rudolf they said they had last seen him yesterday at dinner and everything seemed normal. Elvira and the Grinch were teamed with Fisher & Price, a pair of workshop elves to whom Santa had given the afternoon off.

--------Table 1-------------.Table 2

N:-----.Elvira Elf-----------Cupid

E:------Hanukah Harry-----Fisher

S:------the Grinch---------.Comet


The auction:

Table 1






With only 7 hcps, some might pass, but with an A & K, (not just any 7 points), a five card suit and two tens it’s a normal bid in a team game where it pays to be aggressive when there might be a game. This was Elviras’s forte.

The 3C bid showed a second suit and was forcing to game. It is very aggressive but that’s how she plays.

Table 2




With only 7 HCPs, Cupid passed the 1NT bid.

The play:

Table 1

Santa led king of diamonds. Playing upside-down attitude signals, Harry encouraged with the 5. If Santa continued with a low diamond the defense easily takes the first 5 tricks defeating the contract. But Santa counted the HCPs and knew that his partner only held 4-6 HCPs and may have encouraged thinking that a switch might do more harm than good for the defense. So Santa continued diamonds with the jack effectively blocking the suit. Harry took the ace and returned the 9 which held and Santa’s two good diamond tricks were stranded.

This was the first gift. Unwittingly given but nevertheless a gift.

But the gift was really an illusion.

Harry switched to a club at trick four. The Grinch won the ace and determined that could still make the contract with 4 tricks in each major. With the diamonds obviously blocked, Santa having 5 of them, he figured it was a longshot for the majors to come in. They might be 3-3 but if not east was likely to have the length and both possible finesse positions were through west.

The Grinch started with the ace then queen of hearts and in a moment of ill-lucidity called for the king.

Oops. This was the real gift.

Now, unless he takes a first round spade finesse he’ll be down 2. And he was.

Double dummy we know that the contract can be made with a first or second round spade finesse but that’s an unlikely line of play. All other lines lead to 8 tricks.

Note that west has to keep all his spades because he knows from the bidding that south has 4 of them.

Table 2

Price also led the king of diamonds. Playing standard signals, Fisher encouraged with the 9 which unblocked the suit and EW took the first 5 tricks.


6 IMPs to Santa’s team on the hand.

When the final score was tallied, Santa’s team had won by 1 IMP. The Grinch was overheard offering holiday greetings to Harry & Santa and congratulating them on their narrow victory with a wry smile.

Rudolf showed up later in the day apologizing for his absence and explaining he got disoriented flying in, as many of the holiday landmarks he used for navigation were missing.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

When dummy comes down weaker than expected, tell your partner that your name is Simpson, not Sampson.

Bridge humor from

Eddie Kantar

Fri, Nov 11

Wed, Nov 23



Ed Heater & Michael Carver

Dave Dresher & Edward Leach

November Birthdays

Adelman, Nancy

Abell, Dick

Bauer III, William

Dowling, Christina

Fryman, Maribeth

Garrity, Kay

Gewirtzman, Steven

Goldman, Bill

Goldman, Ellie

Meyers, Alan

Salasin, Sandra

Serfas, Robert

Sigmund, Ruth

Stanley, Lee

Teates, Mike

Tolles, Leslie

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
Visit our website