Dear Community,
It is hard to believe April is here, and the school year is drawing to a close. As we enter the home stretch, we need to recognize the unsung (and unpaid) heroes of the North Penn School District. April is National Volunteer Month, and North Penn would not be the same without the hard work and dedication of our many volunteers. Your willingness to serve your community has an immeasurable impact on our students and staff.
Every program in this district is impacted by volunteers. Our music and sports programs rely on volunteers to chaperone trips, cook meals, fundraise, coordinate events, and so much more. Some programs, like Art Goes to School, are run entirely by volunteers and would not exist without the generosity of the community. Home & School Associations are run entirely by volunteers, and fund everything from field trips to assemblies to material donations. Gratitude is not a strong enough word for our volunteers, who give their time and support to ensure the joy and success of every North Penn student.
I also need to thank the North Penn Educational Foundation for their tireless work fundraising and supporting innovative projects within our district. When we talk about volunteers shaping our schools, the Foundation is a prime example. Their classroom grants fund projects from planetarium upgrades to hydroponic gardens, and provide students with incredible educational opportunities. I encourage everyone to visit the Foundation website and learn more about the work they do and how you can be a part of it.
Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank the NPSD Board of School Directors, who are all here on a volunteer basis to serve the students and community of North Penn. Our board members are also frequent volunteers at district and school events, supporting our programs in every way. Thank you for your dedication to our students, staff, schools, and community.
In the coming weeks and months, we will be asking our volunteers as leaders in the community for input regarding the renovations and design of North Penn High School (you can read more about this endeavor in this edition of E-Matters). Our schools would not be the same without you, and we look to you for your feedback and support as we elevate NPHS to join the future of education.
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Todd M. Bauer, Ed.D.
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Learn more about Grand View Health | | |
Join the North Penn Alumni Association | | |
Behind the Scenes: Technology | |
The technology department supports both the instructional and operational needs of the district. The main focus areas include: infrastructure, hardware and software support and repairs, and cybersecurity. Families in need can also receive internet access at home, if you know of a family in need, please contact the North Penn Family Tech Team! As part of cybersecurity efforts, students in grades 10-12 and all staff utilize multi-factor authentication, and staff have been asked to take two hours of cybersecurity training. | |
All students in NPSD are issued a Chromebook when they enter Kindergarten. Students in grades K-6 use a flip/touch, while students in grades 7-12 use a flip/touch/pen. Each year the technology department refreshes approximately 3500 Chromebooks to support the digital learning program. Support for the program includes the North Penn Family Tech Team, available for assistance from Sunday-Friday from 8 AM to 8:30 PM during the school year. The team can be reached at | In the coming months, the department will be selecting a vendor for web filtering. The selection will come with an app that can help parents stay more involved with their child's online activities outside of the school day. For more information about North Penn Technology, Chromebooks, internet access and more, please visit the Digital Learning website. | |
Bus to North Penn's Re-Imagined Future | |
Community members took a ride on the Bus to North Penn's Re-Imagined Future on April 3. Participants got to tour the current NPHS and the recently-renovated Upper Merion High School to see what NPHS could become. The event was streamed by North Penn Television and can be viewed at the link below. | |
NPSD held a community forum on April 13 to discuss renovations of North Penn High School. Thank you to the community who attended in-person and virtually to learn more about the project and ask questions of administrators and leaders of this project. The forum was recorded for North Penn Television and can be viewed at the link below. | |
Community Meetings with Dr. Bauer | |
Want to meet with Dr. Bauer and talk one-on-one about important issues in North Penn schools? Two opportunities are coming up! Meet virtually for Community Conversations on April 28 from 12-1 PM or meet in-person at the Lansdale Public Library on April 27 from 2-3 PM for a casual conversation over a cup of coffee. Registration for both events is limited to ensure time for all, so don't wait! | |
An Eye on Equity
A monthly feature from Dr. Pamula Hart, NPSD Director of Curriculum and Equity
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Over the past year and a half, I have shared information, research, and images that reflect the key elements of equity work within our school district. I imagine there may have been some information that has resonated with you and other concepts that challenge your own beliefs.
We live in a time in which dialogue, discussion, and conversations between individuals of differing perspectives rarely happen. Our commitment to nurturing a sense of belonging and honoring the wide diversity among our students, families, and staff members requires that we engage in courageous conversations in order to learn from one another.
Courageous conversations are essential for students and community members because they provide a safe and respectful space for us to discuss challenging and sensitive topics. These conversations require each one of us to be vulnerable and open-minded, which can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of others. Here are some reasons why courageous conversations are important.
- Promoting empathy and understanding: Courageous conversations allow children and adults to share their experiences and perspectives, which can help others understand different viewpoints and experiences. This can lead to increased empathy and understanding, which can help build stronger relationships and communities.
- Fostering critical thinking: Courageous conversations require individuals to think critically about their own beliefs and assumptions. This can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
- Builds community: Courageous conversations enhance a sense of community by creating a space where students and staff connect and share their experiences. This can lead to increased trust and collaboration, which makes our communities stronger.
- Addresses social justice issues: Courageous conversations can help address social justice issues by providing a space for members of our school communities to discuss topics such as inequities and discrimination. These conversations can help raise awareness and promote change.
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One of the tools we use to frame these conversations is the Courageous Conversation Compass, which reminds us that each one of us enters challenging conversations from different positions. This tool helps us to know where we are personally, as well as recognize the direction from which other participants come. It also helps us to locate the source of our emotions and actions, or the lack thereof. The four points are emotional (heart), intellectual (mind), moral (soul), and relational (hands/feet). | |
Summer Enrichment Opportunities | |
To promote continuous learning and engagement over the summer, NPSD is offering opportunities for summer enrichment for all students grades K-6. These offerings are completely optional and designed to complete asynchronously. Activities will begin Monday, July 3, and continue throughout the month of July. Registration will open May 1, and conclude June 19. Visit the NPSD website to learn more about these opportunities. | |
Kindergarten Registration Now Open | |
Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open! Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023 to enter kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year. To learn more and get started, visit the North Penn website. | |
Students at AM Kulp Elementary got a special treat- Art Goes to School! The program brings art to elementary schools across the district and allows students to get an up-close look at art across cultures while engaging in discussion about the pieces. This is the 50th anniversary of Art Goes to School in North Penn, and for 50 years volunteers have made art accessible to every elementary schooler in the district. The program is currently looking for volunteers! No formal art or teaching experience is needed, just an appreciation for art and a love of education. To learn more and volunteer, please visit the link below. | |
You Could Save Up to $731 through NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program | Are you eligible? Do you know someone who is? Learn more and help us spread the word about this program! | | |
Have you checked out the digital Community Bulletin Board lately? It's a great place to find events for you, your family, and more! Come and learn about the latest events in the North Penn. Interested in having your fliers included on the board? Groups that are registered non-profits can find instructions on the webpage to submit their fliers.
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Bridle Path Donates to Food Pantry | |
5th graders on Bridle Path's Student Council showed us what it means to be a Mustang- they collected 964 items to be donated to Hatfield's food pantry! The pantry is located in Emmanuel E.C. Church (100 S. Main St) and serves local families who can shop once a week for their family's need. Thank you to these awesome students, everyone who donated, and the student council advisors for making this happen! | |
We need your help. Every school district across the state is experiencing a shortage of substitute teachers, which can impact student learning. If you have a four-year degree and enjoy working with children and teens, you can help us by joining the North Penn School District as a substitute teacher!
In addition to paying the highest rate in the county (starting at $180 per day; $170/day for guest teachers), we also provide great flexibility regarding daily assignments. You can share your availability and work as it fits your schedule. We will also provide training!
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