Weekly Update
Thanks for Keeping the Wreath Red

Annually, the Department posts holiday wreaths on each fire station with a string of red lights. Anytime the Department responds to a holiday decoration related fire, a red bulb is turned white. We are happy to report that all bulbs on our wreaths remained red this holiday season! Thank you for all your efforts to keep our communities safe!
Weekly Summary
  • Congratulations to the following members who were promoted on January 3, 2019:
    • Captain Daniel Tyk
    • Captain Bryan Calvert
    • Lieutenant Ryan Bialk
    • Heavy Equipment Operator Mark Bojar
    • Heavy Equipment Operator Joseph Wucherer
    • Heavy Equipment Operator Brian Sayeg will be promoted upon his return from a previously scheduled vacation on January 14.
  • Members continue to complete their CPR re-certification this week.
  • The NSFD Board of Directors meeting is likely being rescheduled from January 8 to January 15.
2018 Incident Activity Summary

Here is a brief summary on last year's incident activity. More detailed information to come in the near future.

Incident Type 2018 2017 2016
Fire 163 146 181
Over Pressure/Overheat 15 15 16
Rescue/EMS 6339 5896 5964
Hazardous Condition 242 233 231
Service Call 187 180 160
Good Intent Call 416 419 625
False Alarm & False Call 1008 973 1018
Severe Weather & Natural Disaster 1 1 1
Special Incident Type 82 71 48
TOTAL 8453 7934 8244

Calls for Service This Week
Incident Type
Incident Count
Weekly Average (2017)
Emergency Medical
Weekly Average (2018)
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
Meeting Response Goal of 7:02
(goal of 90%)
Average Response Time
Priority 1 & 2 Calls
5 minutes 7 seconds
(goal of 6 minutes)

*Priority 1 & 2 calls are calls for service which the Department sends an initial responding unit to a scene with lights and sirens operating. Priority 3 calls are responses that are considered non-emergent.

Documents of Interest

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