Great Work!!
Block party season is quickly coming to an end. This week we got this nice thank you note from the residents of the 5700 Block of N. Kent Ave. in Whitefish Bay. Engine 84 attended their block party this past Saturday. Great work Lt. Cal Chapman, HEO Steve Tippel and FF Alex Mross.

Chief Whitaker,

The 3 fireman, Cal, Alex and Steve from North Shore Station 84 are the best. They took time with all the children showing them many features of the fire trunk at our block party Oct.1,2022.

They made our block party a big success. Please thank them for their kindness, knowledge and fabulous character.

Everyone ,adults included, thought these men truly represent the great Village we are so lucky to live in.

We all feel a lot safer knowing we have quality people watching over us.

Congratulations to the following newly promoted members who were sworn in this week.

  • Battalion Chief Brian Wisniewski
  • Captain Jeremy Boehlke
  • Fire Lt. Andrew Allen

HEO Sean Phelps and HEO Dan Muller were also sworn-in this week, although their promotions were effective in June of this year.

Congratulations to everyone!!

Weekly Update
  • Chief Whitaker met with all fourteen County Fire Chiefs and representatives of each of the department's unions to discuss budget challenges being faced in communities across the State and how potential reductions in resources in the City of Milwaukee could affect current mutual aid agreements.

  • The Department received notice of an award of $30,000 in grant funding from the State of Wisconsin's EMS Flex Grant Program. The grant funding will be used to purchase a UTV vehicle for responses in parks, beaches and bike trails.