Two year old Issac kept busy as the Brown Deer Village Board recognized a group of responders who saved his life just over two weeks earlier.

Brown Deer residents Alicia Haudges and Kelly Strains heard a neighbor screaming around 4 PM on July 29 and went running to see what had happened. They found 2 year old Issac not breathing and without a pulse after being pulled from his families' swimming pool. Strains, who is trained in CPR, and Hegedus quickly started CPR with the help of 911 Dispatchers Jordan Trevison and Nancy Schupp. Schupp helped walk the two through providing CPR to Issac. Just minutes later, Brown Deer Police Sergeants Lea Olsen and Ali-Raza Govani arrived on scene and took over CPR duties.

CPR was then turned over to the Med 81 crew of Firefighter Paramedics Ryan Spradlin and Teagan Melin who began pediatric advanced life support procedures. Eventually the crew found a pulse and that Issac was breathing. Med 81 was assisted by other North Shore Fire/Rescue responders Lt/PM Chris Miller, HEO Sean Phelps, FF John Angelli, FF/PM Jonah Meidl Zahorodny, FF Nicholas Salerno and BC/PM Eric Riechert assisted moving Issac to the ambulance and the crew began transport to Children's Wisconsin.

Issac spent a few days in the hospital for monitoring and was released the following Saturday.

"Communities strive to design emergency response systems for outcomes like these," said North Shore Fire/Rescue Chief Robert Whitaker. "This outcome demonstrates the value of well-designed emergency response systems."

The bystanders, two 911 dispatchers, police officers and EMS responders were all recognized at the August 15 Village Board Meeting by the fire and police departments. Fox 6 and CBS 58's media coverage can be seen here.