Over the past sixteen months, the Department was unable to publicly acknowledge retirements, promotions and newly hired members due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. On September 16, the Department held a Recognition Ceremony to acknowledge these members.
Newly Promoted
Assistant Chief John Maydak
Battalion Chief Thomas Race
Battalion Chief Daniel Tyk
Captain James Gefke
Lieutenant Cal Chapman
HEO Scott Smith
HEO Tyler Vahsoltz
HEO Joshua Leverenz
HEO Eero Wasserman
HEO Matthew Napreilla
HEO Thomas Yank
Newly Hired
FF Robert Bell
FF Jeffrey Neilson
FF Kaylah Wickey
FF Tyler Kruse
FF Ryan Spradlin
FF Brian Wyrowski
FF Stewart Berry
FF Benjamin Werner
FF Samuil Veytsman
FF Jonah Meidl Zahorodny
FF Dakota Hwilka
FF Eoghan Farber
FF Zachary Brandmeier
FF Frank Lowry
FF Randall McMahon