August 8, 2022
Sally's Motto "Go God" Lives On
After Ed Gunsalus, a NorthPark member, attended Rev. Sally Brown's memorial service, he shared the following experience on Facebook:

I just happened to be in East Dallas and went to a gas station that I don't usually go to. A car at the pump in front of me pulled away, so I moved up. This morning, I went to Rev. Sally Brown's memorial service, a minister and Pastor Emerita at NorthPark Presbyterian. Sally passed away in February of 2021. The service was a beautiful tribute to the life, faith, and ministry of Pastor Sally. At one time during her ministry in a public prayer, she meant to say "Oh God" and it came out "Go God." "Go God" became kind of a catchphrase for her. It was our benediction today! I filled up my car. Put the nozzle back. It was then I noticed a sticker on the pump ... "Go God!" I paused at the sight of that sticker. I had never seen one before. Then I smiled in disbelief as tears roll down my cheek. A message from Sally? An amazing coincidence? I'll take it as a message and prayer and hug from our beloved Pastor Sally Brown.
Interested in Volunteering with Immigration Resettlement?
Faith Foward Dallas (FFD) has regularly scheduled opportunities to help with Immigration Assistance Operations. Every two weeks or so, FFD welcomes immigrant buses to Dallas. The nature of the volunteer work is very unpredictable, so they tentatively plan in advance, and then when they get confirmation of a bus (usually about a week out) they send a SignUp Genius for people to volunteer.

If you are interested in volunteering contact Ellen Mata. The next bus is expected to arrive on Wednesday, August 10.
NorthPark's Blessing of the Backpacks service is a community favorite!

During worship, we will say a special prayer for students of all ages, as they head back to school. EVERYONE IS INVITED! So tell your friends!

Please bring your backpack (or diaper bag or laptop case) to worship and join in on this special annual tradition. See you in person or online on Sunday, August 14 at 10:00 a.m.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].
Teacher Supply Collection
In lieu of an August Reverse Food Truck collection, we will collect donations of school supplies for teachers on Sunday, August 14, before and after the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

The top 10 most needed school supplies are: erasers, composition notebooks, dry erase markers, pencil sharpeners, No. 2 pencils, colored pencils, red or blue pocket folders, pre-k scissors/left hand scissors, crayons, and glue sticks/glue.
Hard Conversation Webinar:
Who Deserves a Shot at the American Dream?
Ashley Brundage, of United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and Board Chair of the Homeless Collaborative of Dallas and Collin Counties, will be in conversation with Drs. Jill Khadduri of Abt Associates, and Marybeth Shinn of Vanderbilt University, co-authors of the book In the Midst of Plenty - Homelessness and What to Do About It on Tuesday, August 23 at 2:30 p.m.

Would you consider joining choir?
As we approach the start of a new academic year, would you consider joining one of NorthPark's choirs?

Choir rehearsals are fun, fast-paced, and sometimes intense (in a good way...), and the result is always a heightening of our own worship as we do our best to elevate worship for the entire congregation. If you have ever played an instrument or sung in a group where you read music, come check us out!

Wednesday rehearsals will begin on September 7. Bell Choir meets at 6:30 p.m. and the Sanctuary Choir meets at 7:30 p.m.

To learn more about participating, contact Tinsley Silcox, Director of Music, or Erick Reich, Director of Handbell Choir.
Make Plans! Kick Off Sunday, September 11
NorthPark will kick off a new season of mission, fellowship, programming and worship opportunities for all ages. Information about upcoming studies, faith formation, and mission efforts will be at your disposal that day as well.

Yes, please! It will help us have a better idea of how much yummy food to order. Make your reservations here or at the welcome desk located in the Narthex by Sunday, September 4. A catered lunch will include barbecue with traditional sides. Donations of $5 per person or $20 per family for lunch are welcome but not required.
Calendar Highlights
Ways to stay connected and serve!
Hombres Bible Study
Tuesday, August 9
8:00 a.m.
Zoom Conference Call
Contact Neil Orleans

What to expect? A men's virtual study of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation.

First Responders Breakfast
Saturday, August 13
7:00 - 9:30 a.m. (come and go)
Fellowship Hall
Contact Ken Knotts

What to expect? A homemade breakfast! Plus, an opportunity for fellowship and to say thank you to first responders who serve our community. All are welcome!

Volunteers at Second Chance Café
Tuesday, August 16
11:15 a.m. (meet at the church and carpool)
The Bridge
Contact Phil Daily

What to expect? Help serve lunch at a homeless recovery center in downtown Dallas.
Staff - Out of Office Notifications
Greg Miller
Through August 12 Vacation

Julia Sargent
August 18 - 28 Vacation

Martica Luckey
August 22 - 24 Vacation
Joys + Concerns
Keep up to date with the current joys and concerns
This list of prayer requests is a way we support each other in the Body of Christ.
Recent prayers for:
Those affected by the devastating flooding in eastern Kentucky.

Rev. Nicole Bates' friend Lou Lou who is hospitalized.

Families taking their children to college.

Children and teachers going back to school or college. Pray for their safety and learning.

The Schieffer family, and especially their daughter Sarah, upon the death of Sarah's husband.

People who live in fear because of their religious beliefs, sexuality, or identity.
Please continue prayers for:
Improvement for Jennie Lewis' health.

The families of those who recently passed away.

The families of those affected by the recent shootings.

Jessica Smith Abbondanzio and family, as Jessica continues her journey with cancer.
Ongoing Prayer Concerns for:
Parents, teachers, medical professionals, and all dealing with COVID.

Peace in Ukraine.

Pray for an end to senseless violence, racial hatred, and oppression.
These requests may be edited to comply with HIPAA and Pastoral Care guidelines.

Email prayer requests to Rev. Nicole Bates.