Dear Friends, 

Please find below an update from us as your local Conservative Councillors. As always, please let us know any queries you have, or if you would like to raise any other issues. We are always very keen to hear from you. 

First, an enormous thank you to Northcote residents for the trust they have placed in us by electing us to serve as their ward councillors. It was a delight to meet and chat with so many of you during the campaign and our apologies where we disturbed babies, dogs or your supper – there is never a “good time” to knock on doors!

At the Council’s Annual Meeting in May we were appointed to various committees including:

Aled – Planning committee, General Purposes committee (Deputy Chair), Finance & Corporate Resources committee, Licensing committee, Joint Pensions committee and the Clapham Junction Town Centre Partnership.

Louise – Community Services committee (Deputy Chair), Housing committee and the Licensing committee.

Peter – Education & Children’s Services committee (Chair), Children’s Social Care Group (Chair), Education Standards Group and Finance & Corporate Resources committee.
Latest update on Northcote Road Library and Community Hall proposals
Following consultation with the local community last year, significant changes were made to the initial proposals for a new Northcote Road library and community centre, and these were endorsed by councillors last autumn. 

These proposals, now just passed by councillors unanimously at the Finance & Corporate Resources committee on 28 June, offer an exciting opportunity for Northcote Ward - delivering a new library and community hall with more floor space and better facilities, and securing these for the next generation. 
The next step for the scheme will be to get Planning approval. This application will be subject to public consultation, and we will keep you informed when this occurs.

 As reassurance, Northcote councillors have:
  • Ensured that there will be continuity of library provision and a temporary, workable solution for Alphabet nursery
  • Supported a Council led development rather than one by a private developer
  • Championed the inclusion of some affordable shared equity units if the scheme finances allow.
We will also ensure there are opportunities for residents, schools and local community groups to be involved in developing the library and community services being provided in the new buildings. 
Policing in Northcote Ward Panel Meeting – 4 th October at 6pm

Hopefully some of you were able to attend our local ward Police’s first revamped Northcote Ward Panel Meeting last Wednesday 4 th July at St Michael’s Church. The Panel Meeting is an open forum for concerned residents to participate in debate on the local crime and policing issue face-to-face with our Local Policing Team and to influence our focus on crime around Northcote.

The Panel currently has vacancies for three positions open to interested members of the public: (1) Ward Panel Chair - Someone who can dedicate a couple of hours every three months to arrange a public meeting at a community hub (church hall, school hall, etc) (2) Minute-taker - Someone who is a whizz with a pen and paper or typing and can keep track of the points raised. (3) Attendees - Anyone who lives locally and would like to raise a concern or ask a question to our Local Policing Team.

The next meeting is at 6pm on the 4th October 2018. The venue will be confirmed closer to the date, and we will keep you updated 
...And other ways to meet or get in touch with our local police...
The regular “Cuppa with a Copper” sessions continue on
  • Open public meeting Wednesday 11th July, 6.30pm – 8pm, ar the Peabody Community Centre, entrance off St John’s Hill
  • Friday 13th July, 4.30 – 5.30pm at Pret, 80/82 St John’s Road SW11 1PX
  • Saturday 21st July, 10-11am at 2 Love Tea & Coffee House, 89 St John’s Road SW11 1QY
  • Saturday 28th July, 11am – 12 noon at Biscuiteers Café, 13 Northcote Road, SW11 1NG

These are great, informal sessions where residents can ask police about their work locally and raise any concerns. The team are friendly and happy to answer any questions.

Also, you can follow Northcote police on twitter @MPSNorthcote and @MPSWandsworth or email the team at
Northcote Road Summer Fete – Sunday July 15th (11am – 6pm)

One of our favourite dates in the Northcote diary is back this year.
Northcote’s hugely popular summer fete features 170 market stalls, street food, live music, fun activities for children and the Men’s Wimbledon Final. A really big thank you goes to the Northcote Business Network that organises the fete supported by local business sponsors, Wandsworth Council and the Clapham Junction Town Centre Partnership. A real community effort that this year included a crowd funding appeal which raised almost £4,000.

Support our wonderful local businesses and let’s all enjoy the day and this great Northcote tradition.
Wandsworth Grant Fund is now open for applications

The next round of applications to the Wandsworth Grant Fund – a council fund which provides cash grants of £500 to £10,000 for community schemes - is now open with a deadline of Monday 20 August to submit your proposals.
As applications require the endorsement of ward councillors, please do get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Recently Northcote’s Conservative Councillors successfully sponsored an IT project for the Abyssinia Residents Association . The money will be used to buy a laptop and television to help residents of the sheltered housing scheme get online and to run a regular communal film night.

In earlier rounds successful applications locally included the Wandsworth Mediation Service; Infuse Youth Club and track cycling & fencing activities organised by parents at the Bolingbroke Academy.

Council officers run support events to provide applicants with information and advice about applying to the Fund visit the booking site to register your interest .

There will be a further round this year with applications closing on Monday 17 th December.

Full details of the Fund are available at , and you can email any queries to (to contact your ward councillors) or to contact the grant administrator
Thank You to Martin Johnson and Jane Dodd

At the recent Council elections neither Martin Johnson nor Jane Dodd sought re-election and we would like to thank them both for their tireless work for Northcote and Wandsworth. Jane served for one term and in particular helped many residents with planning issues. Martin was first elected to represent Northcote Ward in 1974 and over the years he served twice as Mayor, championed the Brighter Borough and launched the “hidden homes” initiative to provide more social housing for Wandsworth residents. – you can spot his name on various plaques around Wandsworth! An inspirational record of service.
In Memoriam – Gordon Passmore

Earlier this year, we were saddened by the passing away of Gordon Passmore, a remarkable man who served as a Northcote Councillor from 1974 until 2006 as well as having a distinguished military record. You can read more about his life of service to our country and community here:
That’s all for now – if you’d like to know more, or get in touch for any reason, please use the contact details below.

Best wishes,

Cllr Louise Calland
Cllr Peter Dawson
Cllr Aled Richards-Jones

Twitter @NorthcoteTories
Promoted by David Jones on behalf of Wandsworth Conservatives both of 3 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ.