Dear Colleagues,
We hope you're doing well, as we round the corner on Labor Day weekend, this edition of Northeast Connections aims to help you digest the multitudes of things happening across the telehealth landscape. We want to start by sharing some exciting news from the NETRC Team: We are pleased to announce that we have been re-awarded the Northeast Regional Telehealth Resource Center Funding, and we're thrilled to continue serving our stakeholders for another 3 years! The NETRC team is also elated to announce that we were awarded the opportunity to collaborate with University of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice
and several other regional partners on a regional Telehealth Technology Learning Grant Program, also funded by HRSA! You can read more about both grant efforts here.

Before we dive in, we recognize that the emergence of the COVID-19 Delta Variant has caused us all to once again consider our workflows and operational efforts, and we want you to know that the NETRC team is here to help as you focus on continuing to deliver care to your patients and communities. On a similar line of thought, The NETRC team is excited to announce our upcoming conference will be live streamed, and new Virtual Attendance options are now available! See below or our conference website for more information.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with your telehealth questions or success stories, or just to say hello!

On behalf of the entire NETRC Team – Be well,
Reid Plimpton, MPH - Project Manager