Neighbors Helping Neighbors Age in Place 
Newsletter of
Northeast Village PDX  
Northeast Village PDX is a group of neighbors in Northeast Portland, Oregon, who are creating a membership organization that will help seniors in the area stay in their own homes as they age - by providing volunteers to help with rides, simple home repairs,  friendly visits, and light yard work, as well as professional services (plumbing, electrical, care giving and others) at reduced rates. This occasional newsletter will keep you up to date on the steps the Village is taking to achieve its goals.
March 2016 -- In This Issue:

When a few days turn warm and sunny, can spring be far behind?

New Home on the block!  
Provisional Bylaws Ready
A major piece of work, the Northeast Village PDX Bylaws, has been completed. The document was presented at the February 10 general meeting and unanimously accepted by those in attendance.

At this stage of Village development, the Bylaws are considered provisional because the document may be amended as more decisions are made prior to and after opening. The next document to be presented will be the Business Plan, our blueprint for the future.

Faith-Based Outreach Volunteers Needed 
Retired United Church of Christ minister Frank Baldwin has compiled a list of 70 congregations that our Village will contact starting just after Easter, but he needs more volunteers to make the initial contacts with their own churches or other faith-based communities. It's not a huge time commitment, and Frank will train those who volunteer to make the calls.

If you could spare a few hours to help make these needed contacts, please call 503-895-2750 or e-mail  NE Village PDX and let us know you'd like to help.

Another Way to Help:
Host an Information Meeting in Your Home
More and more, we are learning that our own homes afford perhaps the best venues for creating awareness of our Village and its mission. Everyone knows everyone else and wonderful conversations ensue.

So please consider offering to host a small gathering of friends and neighbors in your home. To sign up, call 503-895-2750 or e-mail [email protected]. 
April  13 General Meeting
Our next general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, at Rose City Park United Methodist Church, 5830 NE Alameda, just east of NE Sandy Blvd. and NE 57 th Avenue.  Get an update on recent activities and help us plan. Everybody welcome. 

What does a Village look like after 10 years?

Beacon Hill Village was the first Village in the US, starting operations in January 2002.

Ten years later they made a video showing how their Village had grown, and what it looked like in 2012, with close to 400 members at that time.

Take a look ... it's a good perspective as to what OUR Village could become.

Here's the link:  Beacon Village after 10 Years

Village Boundaries
Carolyn Buan 
Our friend and colleague Carolyn died unexpectedly on February 26, 2016 of natural causes. She was 75.

Carolyn lived an active life right up to its end. She was an intrepid volunteer for Northeast Village PDX. She wrote this monthly newsletter and articles for Neighborhood Association publications.

She served on several Village committees involved in development and outreach for our village. She was our secretary, keeping the official record of our General Meetings and Coordinating Council meetings. She recently finished ed

She was so excited about helping our village get underway, that she would wake up at night with ideas which she would share with us by email or telephone the next day. It will take several volunteers to fill all the roles Carolyn performed for our village, and we will miss her.
At Carolyn's 75th birthday party this year.
Carolyn was a writer and editor. She co-authored books on varied topics such as Oregon history, electricity, the Holocaust.

She worked for Oregon Council for the Humanities as a co-writer and editor of two essay collections:

The First Oregonians: An illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations

State's Native People Today
and Nosotros: Essays and Recollections of the Hispanic People of Oregon.

She also co-authored a book about Portland with wonderful archival photographs contrasted with full-color images of the city we know today.

She loved to travel, especially to Norway, where she met and married her Norwegian husband. Her two children, Robert and Siegfried , (a daughter) , were born in Norway, and Robert continues to live there with his family.
Carolyn was born in Gallup, New Mexico but spent most of her childhood in Alaska. She received her B.A. from the University of Washington, and did graduate work at Lewis and Clark College.
Another In-kind (Emphasis on the KIND) Contribution
Kim McLaughlin, the talented graphic designer who created our logo, stepped forward once more to design our soon-to-be-published brochure and posters. Kim, who is based in Milwaukie, Oregon, has a busy schedule, but she managed to fit us in and we are so grateful. We hope to have the finished products available at our March 9 general meeting.
Would YOU Like to Make an Inkind Contribution ?
If you have a special talent or something else you can share to make our Village a reality, please let us know. Our wish list includes:
  •  Free or inexpensive office space,
  • Office furniture and equipment,
  •  Help distributing brochures and posters in your neighborhood,
  • Occasional legal advice
Let us know what in-kind contribution you would like to make by calling 503-895-2750 or e-mailing Northeast Village PDX  
And a Fine Time Was Had by All
On February 6, donors to our Build a Village Campaign gathered at Susan and Doug Bach's home for a donor appreciation reception. Together, donors met our goal of raising the $7,500 needed to prepare our Village for a fall opening.
Fred Meyer Rewards Can Benefit Our Village
It's as easy as A, B, C. No, really! All those visits you make to Fred Meyer each year can result in quarterly donations of your Rewards Points to Northeast Village PDX. And that means quarterly checks to our Village.
If you already have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card, just go to, click on "Link your Rewards Card now," and then enter Northeast Village PDX. After that, every time you shop at Freddy's and scan your card, you will be earning money to keep our Village strong.
If you don't yet have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at any Freddy's Customer Service Desk.

Northeast Village PDX is a member of the Villages NW tax-exempt network.

For more information, contact:

Margaret Baldwin

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