Volume 5 • Issue 40 • October 20, 2022


Editors: Laurie Trujillo and Ken Miller

Vegan Mania Takes Over NCC Parking Lot

What started as an idea to feed young adults and engage the local community with a healthy eating message, blossomed into an event that connected people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ.

According to Dan Garza, district pastor of the Woodland and Vacaville churches, "The original plan was to invite several veggie and vegan food trucks to the NCC headquarters in Roseville and feed about 300 young Adventist adults as well as some additional community members."

However, God had bigger plans. According to Garza, “When we placed a $20 ad on Facebook, we received over 2,000 positive responses, and from that surprising result, it was on!”  

Picked up by Sacramento Channel 31’s Good Day program, interest swelled, and by Sunday at 11 AM, ten food vendors and over 1,000 people flooded the Douglas Avenue headquarters parking lot.

Creative dishes ranged from vegetarian Mexican cuisine to vegan shrimp, curry delights, coconut candy, and fruit drinks. According to attendee Linda Neal, “My doctor advised me to start eating a more plant-based diet, so now I’m a vegan wanna-be. This event was right on time. I had a vegan hot dog and loved it.”  

According to one young adult ministry team member, "Many people and groups eagerly chatted at length with SDA young adults asking questions about the Adventist faith, why we hold the health message as necessary, Sabbath rest, and our connection to Blue Zones." 

Garza concluded saying, “We have already received many requests to hold another event, and prayer requests from our QR-coded prayer signs located around the venue."

Healing a Community 170 at a Time

On September 11, the Richmond Beacon Light church served over 170 people in their community by hosting a free dental, medical and vision clinic. Moreover, participants enjoyed free haircuts, a healthy diet presentation, and free vegan soul food as the day of ministry progressed.  

Pastor David Woolcock said, “One of the best outcomes of our event was that guests had time to receive several treatments if needed. Not just dental, not just medical, it provided an opportunity for our team to make new friends for a longer period.”  

Woolcock continued, “This event could not have happened without the support of James Lim, the director of health ministry for which we are incredibly grateful. The conference contribution and commitment to preaching the gospel and our community's healing ministry is a blessing." 

Damon Washington Ordained 

Damon Washington was ordained on October 8 at the Grand Advent church in Oakland.

Washington says his journey to being a minister was “born out of bible studies offered at his place of work and curiosity of the Sabbath.”

Earning a Master of Divinity in 2018, Washington spent three years as an associate pastor with the Nevada-Utah Conference and has served our territory as a district pastor since January at the Pittsburg and Oakland Emmanuel Temple churches.

Kevin Robert, church growth and evangelism director, said, “Damon has a deep love for his community and is the first to lead out in any effort; a true shepherd connecting people to Jesus Christ.”

Celebrating his eighteenth year of marriage to Jeanice Warden-Washington, he said about his ordination, “I’m still trying to process the Lord’s blessing and faithfulness in my life leading to this event.”  

Pathfinders: Empowering Youth

Article published in the October Pacific Union Recorder

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