Thursday, February 10, 2022
We welcome Rev. Dr. Scott Stearman back to Northminster as our pulpit guest and worship leader this coming Sunday. For over three decades, Scott Stearman has served as a pastor in the Baptist tradition. His experience includes congregations in Athens, Greece and Paris, France. For twelve years he served as Senior Pastor of the Kirkwood Baptist Church in St. Louis, Missouri, a partner congregation of the Alliance of Baptists.  While in St. Louis he worked actively in advocacy for racial justice and in state-wide efforts to fight discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. 

Most recently, he has been a pastor in New York City where he continues to be the representative of the Baptist global body at the United Nations (supported by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Baptist World Alliance). Dr. Stearman is a trustee on the board of the Parliament of World Religions and writes regularly on the intersection of religion and international/cultural affairs. His educational background includes theological degrees from Southwestern and Princeton Seminaries and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Oklahoma. He and his wife Cecelia now live in Jackson, Mississippi where Cecelia is on the faculty at Millsaps College. Please plan to be in worship on Sunday to welcome Scott and Cecelia back to Northminster.
Join us for Worship
Sunday February 13, 2022
Dr. Scott Stearman preaches
"The Peril of Parched Places"
Click the photo to view our Sunday service
Our Worship in Song
February 13, 2022

Opening Hymn  From Wisdom Emerging
The hymn was written by Larry Schultz in 2012 and set to the tune, ST. DENIO, a Welsh Ballad written in 1839.

Gospel Acclamation  We Live Not By Bread Alone
 DH set this wonderful text to introduce the gospel. We also respond with “words sustain us, and nourishes our souls”.  Praise be to you, O Christ.

Anthem   Blessed Are You
Craig Courtney set the words from Matthew to music in 1998. This anthem was commissioned by the Chancel Choir, St. Michael Lutheran Church, Greenville, SC. We celebrate that we can “Rejoice and be glad….for great are our rewards in heaven”.

Communion Anthem  Come To Tend God’s Garden
John Dulles is the author of more than 200 hymn texts. This one was written for the 275th
anniversary of the Synod of the Trinity (Pennsylvania), where Dulles has served as a pastor at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. The tune, KING’S WESTON, was written by English composer, Ralph V. Williams, in 1925.
Closing Hymn   Community of Christ
Shirley Erena Murray has grown up within the Ecumenical Movement and addresses related Themes such as Christian unity and social justice in her hymnody. This text was first sung at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. The text is set to the tune, LEONI, a traditional Hebrew melody.

See you Sunday! Debi

Mission Opportunities
February Mission Emphasis:
Children's Coalition - Early Head Start
Early Head Start provides early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, and their families, and pregnant women and their families. The Children’s Coalition Early Head Start ( serves 132 infants and toddlers in Ouachita Parish. We care for children year-round, providing everything they need during their time at the center—including diapers and wipes. 
Needs: Diapers sizes 3,4,5,6; Wipes, Training underwear 2T, 3T, Socks, infant, small and toddler, Board books.
Thank You from Mara Loeb and Immigrant Detainees!

Mara advises that the the gathering of winter apparel for the immigrant detainees has been a huge success. She has been able to fulfill the much needed winter items and thanks the Northminster congregation for their generosity and consistent willingness to help with the mission for immigrants.
The Prayers of the People
We pray alongside.....

Our Pastor Search Committee as they continue our search for our next pastor

Those in our church and community suffering from COVID infections

Those with unspoken prayer requests

Missy, daughter of Frank & Marianne Wilcox, blood clot on the brain.

Choral Scholar, Preston Anderson's Family, on the passing of his grandmother.

DH Clark's cousin's wife - acute illness.

Our Brothers and Sisters in Cuba experiencing severe economic hardships, food shortages, and lack of medical equipment to administer Covid-19 vaccines.
The Celebrations of the People
We celebrate alongside.....
Nellen Hughens Brunson (12th), Marissa Jaquess (14th) and Mallory Graves Brown (17th), as they celebrate their birthdays.
We Welcome the Kimble-Keen Family to Northminster!
We are so excited to welcome Brandy and Jennifer Kimble-Keen along with their children, Jimmy Keen* (13), Marleigh Keen* (12), Konner Keen (10), Terryn Kimble* (9), CJ Keen* (8), Melba-Kaylynn Kimble* (7), Parker Keen* (6), and Rickie Keen* (5) to the Northminster family!
We're 35 and It's Our Time to Thrive!
Make plans to join us on February 25 at noon ET as we celebrate 35 years of the Alliance of Baptists!

For 35 years, the Alliance has been at the forefront of what it means to be a progressive voice of faith in our world. And at 35, we are ready for the next chapter of our shared life together.

Join us for a time to reflect on who we've been (as we continue to excavate our roots), celebrate who we are, and envision who we are becoming as a people, a body, and a movement!
We will be joined by:
  • co-directors Elijah Zehyoue
  • co-director Carole Collins
  • board president Michael-Ray Mathews
  • board vice president Lisa Dunson
  • founder Nancy Hastings Sehested
  • founder Jim Strickland
  • founder Mahan Siler
We look forward to seeing you there as we engage our theme together: We're 35 and It's Our Time to Thrive!

Registration is now open and more information will be available soon!
If you have joys or concerns you would like us to add to the newsletter, please call the church office or email
The Work of the People
Northminster Church COVID Guidelines
COVID cases continue to surge due to the omicron variant. According to state officials we are on the verge of returning to the days of mask mandates, restricted gathering sizes, and overwhelmed hospitals and health care systems.

MASK WEARING AT ALL TIMES, WHEN IN PUBLIC VENUES, IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AT NORTHMINSTER CHURCH. We all are at risk for not only Covid, but colds, flu and pneumonias. PLEASE MASK UP WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH. Let's do our part in respecting and caring for each other and for our community. PLEASE stay home if you are sick and wear a mask when you go out in public until we get through this surge. PLEASE, consider getting vaccinated and boosted if you have not done so. There is a chance that you may be saving your own or someone else's life by following these recommendations.
Northminster 2022 Family Care Directories Available Now!

PLEASE PICK UP YOUR BOOK TO SAVE US POSTAGE! Books are located on the Narthex table and on the hall table. PLEASE sign your name on the sheet provided so Renee can mark your name off the list, as all other books will be distributed by care group leaders or by mail.

Of Interest to Us
February is Black History Month

Everyday the Arts Council celebrates the artists who help make Region 8 a culturally vibrant place to call home. Everyday this month via our social media platforms, we will be intentionally applifying the voices and messages of Black Artists who enrich our arts community... not just regionally, but globally. You can find us on social media by clicking the buttons below.
(Book is provided free at the Church)
You’ve probably heard it said that “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. However, at Northminster there are free books! Several copies of the recently published I Wish Someone Had Told Me: Equity for Women in the Church are available for the taking (and READING). You will find them on the table in the hall outside the pastor’s office. Help yourself, read it and then please share with others.
Northminster Book Club
Our next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 17 at 6pm at the home of Camille Peterson, 3306 Oakleigh Circler, Monroe. Join us for dinner and discussion of Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding.
Northeast LA Quilters' Guild:
2022 Quilt Show

2022 Quilt Show will be held in the West Monroe Convention Center at 901 Ridge Ave on Friday, February 25 from 9-5 and Saturday February 26 from 9-4. You may contact them on Facebook under North Louisiana Quilters Guild and on their website at

Food Bank of NELA:
Empty Bowls

Our annual Empty Bowls event has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 26th. The event will still be held at the Monroe Civic Center, and we are very excited to have even more great food vendors and ceramics artists this year. We hope that you’ll still be able to join us for this fun event that helps provide thousands of meals to our neighbors facing hunger. If you are unable to attend the new date and would like your ticket purchase refunded, please contact our Director of Development and we will be happy to process the refund.

WHEN: Saturday, March 26th, from 11 AM to 1 PM. 
WHERE: Monroe Civic Center Arena - 401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expy, Monroe. Use the main entrance and follow the signs and directions to park.
WHAT TO EXPECT: Attendees will show your email ticket receipt via phone or printout. With your all-inclusive ticket, you can choose a beautiful bowl donated by a local artist.

There will be a delicious tasting from 18 local food and beverage establishments. Click here to see who's participating! Food and beverage vendors will be serving tasting size portions of their tasty offerings for all to enjoy.
Once again talented local artist Leigh Buffingtonwill be painting a landscape live, which will go to one lucky high bidder in the silent auction. There will also be live music from Jeff Hicks and Paul Amy. 100% of your Empty Bowls ticket purchases go to support the Food Bank's hunger relief efforts in Northeast Louisiana. Thank you for helping our neighbors who face hunger!
The Floral Offering
Given to the Glory of God

The floral offering on Sunday was given to the Glory of God and arranged by Marilyn Decker.

If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of someone, please contact the church office. Approximate cost is $100. 

Over the Coming Weeks
Upcoming Events

This Sunday
 9:00 am - Choir Practice
10:00 am - Sunday School
10:45 am - Preludes
11:00 am - Sunday Morning Liturgy
5:00 pm - Youth
12:00 pm - Brown Bag Lunch CANCELLED
6:30 pm - Choir practice
Pulpit Supply Schedule

13 - Dr. Scott Stearman
20 - Rev. Shelia Sholes Ross
27 - Rev. Elijah Zehyoue

6 - Dr. DH Clark
13 - Rev. Mark Windham
20- Dr. Darrell Cluck
27- Dr. Darrell Cluck
Giving to Northminster
If you have found a space of community, or healing, or hope at Northminster and believe in the work we are doing, please consider supporting us financially so that we will be able to continue creating spaces like this in all the days to come.

To support Northminster financially, you can click here, or scan the QR code with the camera on your phone.
Find Us
Northminster Church is located at:

2701 Lamy Lane
Monroe, LA 71201

Church Office hours:
Mon -Thurs 9-12 noon & 1-4 pm
Friday 9-12 noon

Find Us Online