Do you, members of Northridge Presbyterian Church,

promise, on behalf of the church universal, to undertake with these parents

the Christian nurture of these children

so they will know that they each belong to God

and are meant to serve God's purposes in the world? 

This is the question you answer every time a child is presented for baptism. And you live out your answer every time you volunteer in the nursery, teach children and youth, help with Friday Night Faith, bring a meal to youth group, chaperone the Youth Mission Trip, offer an encouraging word during exams, send a card to a college student, or pray.

Senior Sunday is one more way we live out our baptismal promises to our youth, nurturing them by welcoming their leadership among us in worship. Youth will lead worship at both 9 and 11 am and seniors will offer reflections on how this community of faith has shaped them as they prepare to go out into God's world. You're invited to offer words of congratulations and encouragement at the reception in Quillin Hall following 11 am worship.

This Sunday, you're invited to think broadly about how to nurture and support the children among us -- not only the children of this church, but also the children of our city. Rev. Dr. George Mason will be with us at 10 am to share about the Pastors for Texas Children organization and offer tangible ways to nurture children in our community.

It is sure to be a joyful Sunday!

With great anticipation,



9:00 a.m.

Outdoor worship in the lower parking lot

11:00 a.m.

Worship in the sanctuary

We will celebrate our Senior Graduates this Sunday in both services.

In preparation, you are invited to read Romans 8:31-39

Missed a sermon? Listen to our podcast here!


One & Done Choir Sunday!

This Sunday, May 7, will be our final One & Done Choir for the program year. We will rehearse in the choir room at 10:30 AM and sing at the 11 AM worship service. Our Introit this Sunday will be the exciting hymn by American composer William Albright (1944–1998), "Look There! The Christ."

It features a lovely, singable melody accompanied by a polyrhythmic organ part. To make it even more exciting, we will add some percussion instruments to the refrain. I hope to see many of you here this Sunday,

May 7. One & Done Choir will sing during the summer on June 25, July 30, and August 27 at our 10 a.m. summer worship services.

Bryan Page, Director of Music




We are looking for servant leaders who would like to volunteer for our upcoming Mother's Day event on Tuesday May 9th from 4:30 - 7:30 PM.

We are providing a dinner and activities that evening to honor our single mothers on campus in Waxahachie. Volunteers will set up and serve dinner, help the children with craft activities for Mother's Day cards, and then we'll clean-up afterward! Please contact Diane Pennington at 214-789-3291 or diane.Pennington@pchas.org if you would like to participate.




Have you logged on to Realm yet?

If not, on Sunday, May 7th, Deacon Susan Roe Jernigan and Rev. Savannah Shivers

will be at a Realm Help Desk 15 minutes after each worship service to help you. Susan will be at the Realm Help Desk after the 9 AM service, and Savannah will be at the Realm Help Desk after the 11 AM service.  You can also email Savannah at savannahs@northridgepc.org with any questions that you have and/or to set up an appointment.

Short Stories by Jesus:

The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi

by Amy-Jill Levine


Earlier this year we examined two of Jesus’ parables in the class The Difficult Questions of Jesus. There are so many more of Jesus’ parables in the Gospels!

This Sunday we will explore the parable of the mustard seed, Chapter 4 in the Participant’s Guide and Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; and Luke 13:18-19.

Study leader Rebie Nicholson will lead us in exploring this in a five week study beginning April 16 and continuing through May 14.

Community Conversations

Quillin Hall at 10:00 a.m.

May 7: Rev. Dr. George Mason- Pastors for Texas Children Organization

May 14: Mike Howard- challenges in the criminal justice system

Community Conversations - Guest Speaker Bio

George Mason, the Former Senior Pastor at Wilshire Baptist Church will speak to us about the services Pastors for Texas Children provides for the betterment of education in Texas.


George is a nationally recognized religious leader serving Fellowship Southwest, Pastors for Texas Children, Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square, and is the Lead Advisor for the Baptist House of Studies at Perkins School of Theology (SMU).  He is also the Founder and President of Faith Commons, a multi-ethnic, multi-faith organization committed to “bringing faith to life” by promoting the common good.


Pastors for Texas Children is a ministry that serves Texas’ neighborhood public schools through prayer, service, and advocacy. We support our schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children, and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Texas children, families, and communities first. 


Pastors for Texas Children believes that public education is a human right, a constitutional guarantee, and a central part of God’s plan for human flourishing. When this sacred trust and provision of God’s common good comes under attack by the forces of privatization, we respond with prayer, service, and advocacy. We work for a day when all pastors, all faith leaders, and all people of faith and good will support free and fairly funded public schools for all of God’s children. 

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

7:30 a.m. via ZOOM

Join us!

Questions? Contact Tim Jernigan at tjerni@aol.com.


Morning Circle: May 9,

Lesson/Bible Study: 10 am

Optional Lunch Following


Beginning Monday, May 1st, the Northridge Joyful Noise group will be meeting at CC Young in the Vista Building, Ninth Floor Community Room, at 2 p.m. This move will allow some to continue meeting with the Joyful Noise participants as it relieves some of the transportation obstacles. Please speak with Nell Green if you have any questions. Click on her name to reach her - NELL GREEN.

Worship Flowers & Flower Ministry

Did you know the flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday serve double duty? Not only do the flowers enhance our service, but the Deacons use them for outreach if you wish to donate them to the flower ministry. After the service, flower ministry volunteers make smaller arrangements and deliver the bouquets to Northridge members needing a warm friendly visit.

Please call 214-827-5521 or email office@northridgepc.org if you would like to contribute flowers for Sunday worship. Your dedication will be printed in the bulletin on that Sunday. Dates are open through the summer.

The approximate cost is $100.

This is a great way to celebrate a special event or honor a loved one. Thank you.

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