This Sunday:

"I've Been Meaning to Ask...What Do You Want to be Called?"

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-5

Join us On Campus or Online | Sunday, January 7 at 10:30 am

Do you have a nickname? I remember as a kid in several settings where nicknames were used and bestowed as ways of giving or withdrawing power, of moving people to the center or to the margins. Sometimes if you got a nickname that meant you were “cool” while at other times it was the reverse. We name children at birth, and sometimes offer another name at baptism. When people change their family structures, they often change their names. God names as a part of creation, and invites the first humans to participate in the naming of creatures. As followers of Jesus, we get new names – Disciple, and Christian. Names matter. How we wish to be called matters. Calling each other by their preferred name matters, because God is the originator and author of naming as a part of blessing creation. Names allow us to know and be known. As we begin this new year, may we experience being known and seen fully, and offering that gift of grace to all around us. Let’s talk about it.

A Note from the Senior Minister

How many times have you said “Happy New Year!” in the past week? Who all have you said it to? I know that my grandson, Aiden, insists on saying it to everyone he sees, at least three times while spreading his arms wide open.  


I want that energy. I need that energy. And I wonder, if you are honest, if you are in need of some of that energy as well. 


January is a tough time to “hit the ground running” as the winter continues, and slowly inches towards more sunlight. In this time, I invite you to not feel forced into a “new year, new me” mentality – but simply a posture of joy, wonder and curiosity, with arms wide open, as we usher in together a new year as a community of faith. 


Because this is our vision in 2024 church, to grow together from a rooted sense of God’s incarnate love made visible to us in the manger that grows from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

A happy new year at Northway means – we will focus our worship asking questions of one another, and of ourselves that we’ve been meaning to ask, to build, repair, and sustain our community.


A happy new year at Northway means – we will embody Epiphany in Star Words this Sunday with each of us being given our Jesus inspired star to focus our prayer and discipleship. At Northway this means we are willing to grow together in Christ and community and to share through our values of open heart, open minds, open Bible, and open table.


A happy new year at Northway means – we will energize one another through our prayer, our encouragement, our worship, and our discipleship so that we truly can share Christ with those seeking meaning and purpose. 


Happy New Year! See you on Sunday! 

Rev. Virzola Law

Senior Minister

A Note from the Stewardship Chair

Because of you, Northway, you’re changing lives. 

During our 2023 Stewardship season, we heard from a variety of people of how Northway changed lives. We heard about Northway both hosting and sending volunteers to Be The Neighbor. We heard about Rise Against Hunger, Tuesday morning food distributions, partnering with Hope Supply for diaper distributions, and Seeds of Faith Community Garden. I hope you saw Paul Schmidt’s Mission Moment this past Sunday. 

At the November board meeting, a $2.9M budget was passed. Of this amount, $464,840 is covered by 62 pledging units and identifiable givers. The remaining deficit is funded by the Base Accounts of Northway Christian Church Foundation (there is another portion dedicated to Serve projects). The balances in the Foundation as of 12/29/23 is $14.6M for Base and $1.6M for Serve.

Thank you for your faithful response to a call both to commit financially to Northway, as well as acting as the hands and feet of Christ as we serve those around us. I look forward to 2024 to see what God has in store for Northway to do next!

Roger Hohnstein

2023 Stewardship Chair

NCC 2024 Budget
This Sunday


  • 9:00 am - Adult Forum
  • 9:00 am - Children/Youth Music
  • 10:00 am - Fellowship
  • 10:30 am - Worship Service

You may join us in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 am. 

The worship service is also available

on Facebook and YouTube.

Tips for worshiping with us online:

  1. Announcements start at 10:15 am, with the prelude to follow, just prior to the 10:30 am service start time. Join us early!
  2. The Google Chrome browser is recommended for the best viewing experience.
  3. Prepare your own bread, cup and candle for communion.
  4. Turn on and adjust the sound to your computer.

Rehearsal for Musical

Children & Youth will combine their music time and meet this Sunday at 9:00 am in F-202 to begin rehearsing for the musical they will present in March. Sunday school classes will start at 9:30 am, following music time.

Worship Rocks!

(ages 3 - 5th Grade)

Following the Children's Moment

in the worship service, children will be escorted to F-103 for their own kid-friendly worship experience.


After-Church Choir Rehearsal

11:45 am in the Music Suite

Growth Opportunities

Solomon's Porch (Men's Group)

2nd and 4th Saturdays

7:45 am in the Music Suite

Diaper Distribution

4th Saturdays

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front lot at Northway

Adult Forum - Northway 101

Sundays - Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28

9:00 am in F-101

Tai Chi

Mondays @ 10:30 am

in F-101

Contact Donna

(972-271-3949) for info.

Senior Adult Ministry Lunch

Mon., Jan. 8 @ 11:30 am

in F-101

RSVP by January 5

Mobile Food Pantry

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Front lot at Northway

Midweek Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm

(Parlor & Zoom)

Learn more here.

Transformation Prayer Call

1st Wednesday of month

12:00 pm

Call 605-313-4281

Access: 2667616#

Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

In the Music Suite

Where do we go from here?

Town Hall Meetings

Sat., Jan. 13 @ 9:00 am

Thurs., Jan. 18 @ 6:30 pm

Sun., Jan. 28 @ 11:45 am

In F-102 & on Zoom

Childcare available by reservation.

Visit our Website

Serve Opportunities

Calendar & Events

Job Openings

Memorial Service for William "Bill" Adams Morgan, Jr.

A memorial service for Bill Morgan will be held at Northway Christian Church on Saturday, January 6 at 2:30 pm. A reception will take place following the service.

Office Closing Early on Jan. 11

Now that we've made it through the holiday rush, the staff is taking a few hours to celebrate and enjoy one another's company. We will close the office early on Thursday 1/11/24 at 4:00 pm so we can all go to an offsite activity. If you need anything that day, please get with us earlier.

January Adult Forum - Northway 101

Sundays in January at 9:00 am in F-101

During the 9:00 am hour on the four Sundays in January (7, 14, 21, 28) we will gather in Fellowship Hall (F101) to enjoy a time of combined study, discussion and fellowship. Our conversations will explore who we are as Northway through several different lenses: 1) Who are the Disciples of Christ? What’s our history, our present, and our future? 2) Who is Northway – past, present, and future? 3) Where are we going in 2024 as we Grow Together during this year of Renewal. You will have opportunities to share your stories that illustrate why the Disciples of Christ and Northway are important to you, so please be thinking and praying about what stories you want to tell.

Each Sunday a different group will help host by providing simple breakfast items for us to enjoy, so please be looking forward to that as well. Contact Pastor Ken if you have any questions or want to volunteer to help host.

Where do we go from here?

Understanding NCC Mission, Facilities, and Budgets


Saturday, January 13 at 9:00 am

Thursday, January 18 at 6:30 pm

Sunday, January 28 at 11:45 am

In January, three “town hall” style meetings will be held to share important information about the ways in which our buildings and equipment impact participation, activities, and mission. We hope that you will attend one or more of these meetings. For your convenience the meetings will be held on different days of the week and different times.  Children care will be available for those who request it. Although at least 2 of the meetings will be “hybrid”, in-person participation is encouraged.

At each meeting, a panel will summarize reports and information that has been gathered over the last year and a half, including assessments of the condition of each building and equipment, ADA accessibility, usage patterns and needs, and the cost of maintaining the buildings and equipment. After the material is summarized, the floor will be opened for questions from the audience. 

Although much of this information has been presented to the Northway board as it became available, these meetings represent the first time the material will be presented as a body of work and to the entire congregation. 

Your participation is invaluable in this process. Please mark your calendar to attend one or more of the meetings. If you have questions or concerns prior to the meetings, please contact Samantha Durst.

Meetings will take place in F-102 and on Zoom

Childcare is available by request.

This FREE Leader Learner event will cover topics impacting many of our congregations today and hopes to provide new perspective and tools to help address the evolving work of the church.

To learn more and to reserve your spot for this event click here.

We Need You!

We are looking to recruit a few new Sunday School teachers for our Children and Youth programs. If this is something you are interested in, please plan to join us for a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon in F-101 on Sunday, January 21 at 11:45 am, following the worship service.


If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Ziemser.

Parent Connection

Hey Parents! If you'd like to keep up with Northway's activities for children and youth, you'll want to click here to check out our "Parent Connection" newsletter.

If you're not receiving this weekly email, but would like to, send us a note.

Other Notes

Happy Birthday to You!

Nancy Stewart

Anna VanderPluym

Fabiana Rey

Angela Morgan

Allison Brady

Financial Update

Week of Dec 28 - Dec 31, 2023

Weekly Receipts: $42,095

YTD Receipts: $472,182.80

2023 Budget: $431,633

Week of Jan 1 - Jan 3, 2024

Weekly Receipts: $7,499

YTD Receipts: $7,499

2024 Budget: $464,840

Contributions will be reported at the time they are received, even if they are prepayments of annual pledges. If you have questions, please contact Laura Giffin or call 214-361-6641.
GIVING OPTIONS for Northway Christian Church
Give via text message by texting NORTHWAY to 73256
Gifts and offerings may also be mailed to the church office at
7202 W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75225
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