This Sunday: "Rejoicing in the Midst of Suffering: Choosing Joy Over Hopelessness"

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7

Join us On Campus or Online | Sunday, November 24, 2024

Click for list of pulpit guests 

Help Northway prepare for Advent and the celebration of Christmas by decorating the church on Monday, November 25, 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Dinner will be available and holiday music will fill the air! Projects for all ages. Can’t make it right at 5:30? No worries.

Come when you can, leave when you must. 

Please let Samantha Durst know if you plan to attend.

A Note from the Pastor

Leviticus 23:1-2, 37-38 (NIV)

The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them:

‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord,

which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.

(These are the Lord’s appointed festivals, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for bringing food offerings to the Lord—the burnt offerings and grain

offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings required for each day. These offerings are in addition to those for the Lord’s Sabbaths and in addition to your gifts and whatever

you have vowed and all the freewill offerings you give to the Lord.) 

I have often wondered if part of the reason we as a culture are slowly going crazy is because we have crammed most of our festivals into a 4ish month period, beginning with Halloween and then ending with either the Super Bowl or Valentines Day depending on your personal brand of weirdness.

I think we’ve messed up in cramming most of the holy days into 1/3 of the year.

Feasting is a discipline as much as any other. I don’t mean overeating, although some of us are highly skilled in that discipline. 

Feasting is something else. A feast is a regularly scheduled celebration, but it is more than just celebrating. A feast is also a time of sacrifice, when we give more back to God and more to each other. Note that extra verse I threw in there. Being more thankful in November does not make our regular tithes and offerings a feast sacrifice. This is something beyond that discipline, something additional.

And while we are called to sacrifice, we are also called to relish the good gifts of God. These are deeply tied together. We are sacrificing from what God has given. It is a sacrifice today but it is rooted in the knowledge that God will still be around tomorrow and will still be taking care of us.

It is sacrifice, it is celebrating, but it is also about telling the stories.

This part I think we do fairly well at during our feast-athon. Thanksgiving and Christmas make it easy, we know what stories to go to. We can find those passages in our Bibles pretty easily, and they are enjoyable stories to tell and to hear.

But, when was the last time we told the stories that aren’t in the Biblical canon? When do we set aside regularly scheduled time to tell the stories of our cancer survivors ringing the bell? When do we tell the stories of bills getting paid and relationships being restored? When do we tell our kids the stories of how their parents met, their grandparents met, their great grandparents met? When do we tell our kids the stories of when we were wrong but were shown grace and forgiveness?

So many of the holy days we do have get spent on preparation and recovery, are we actually setting aside days and weeks to purposely sacrifice and worship AND feast and tell the story?

Rev. Chesna Riley

Minister to Families, Children, and Youth 

Access the online pledge card through the QR code shown above, or click here.

9:00 am - Sunday School

10:00 am - Fellowship

10:30 am - Worship Service

You may join us in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 am. The service is also available online, and on Facebook and YouTube. Below are some tips for worshiping with us online.

Announcements begin at 10:15 am, with the prelude to follow. Join us early! Prepare your own bread, cup and candle for communion. Turn on and adjust the sound to your computer.

Children's Music

Children in grades K-5 will meet at 9:00 am in F-202. Kids will be escorted to their Sunday School class following music time.

Sunday Worship Service

10:30 am in Sanctuary

and online.

Worship Rocks

Following the Children's Moment during the worship service, children ages 3 - 5th grade will be escorted to F-102 for their own kid-friendly worship experience.

After-Church Choir Rehearsal

11:45 am - meet in the Music Suite following the worship service.

Solomon's Porch (Men's Group)

2nd and 4th Saturdays

7:30 am in the Music Suite.

Tai Chi

Mondays at 10:30 am

In F-101

Contact Donna for info


Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

in the Music Suite

Thanksgiving Interfaith Service

Thursday, November 21

7:00 pm at Cong. Shearith Israel

9401 Douglas Ave., Dallas, TX 75225

Register here.

Community Carol Sing

Saturday, December 21

4:00 pm in F-101

Emerge Worship

Sunday, December 22

9:15 am in F-101

The church office will be closed in observance of the holiday on November 28th and 29th.

Serving Others with Christ-like Compassion

Mobile Food Pantry

1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Seeds of Faith Community Garden

1st and 3rd Saturdays

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Greater Garth Chapel

2828 Carpenter Ave.

Dallas, TX 75215

Diaper Distribution

4th Saturdays

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Mike's Kids Toy & Clothing Drive

Through December 8

Collecting unwrapped toys, new or gently used clothing for children and adults

Volunteers needed for

Breakfast with Santa

Set up on Friday, Dec 13

10:00 am - 2:00 pm (F-101)

Event on Saturday, Dec 14

9:00 am - 11:00 am (F-101)

Send us an email to volunteer.

Want to get involved?

Email us and we will

help you get connected!

Celebrate the Season with Northway...

11/25 Advent Decorating, 5:30 pm (dinner provided)

12/08 Christmas Cantata Service, 10:30 am in the Sanctuary & Online

12/08 Mike's Kids - last day for drop off

12/14 Breakfast with Santa, 9:00 am - 11:00 am in F-101

12/15 All Church Congregational Meeting, 11:45 am in Sanctuary

12/15 Last day to receive Poinsettia Dedications

12/15 One Accord Men's Chorus in Concert, 6:00 pm in Sanctuary

12/18 Blue Christmas Service, 6:30 pm in F-101

12/21 Community Carol Sing, 4:00 pm in F-101

12/22 Emerge Service, 9:15 am in F-101

12/22 Worship Service at Juliette Fowler, 2:30 pm

12/24 Christmas Eve Family Service, 3:30 pm in F-101

12/24 Candlelight, Carols, Communion Service, 6:00 pm in Sanctuary

Sign Up Here for Breakfast with Santa!
Poinsettia Order Form
View 2025 Slate of Nominees

Birthday Celebrations

Happy birthday to Catherine Rawdon, Michael Richter, Johnny Brown,

Donna Schmidt, Pat Saied, and Sandy McGuire.

Parent Connection

Hey Parents! If you'd like to keep up with Northway's activities for children and youth, you'll want to click here to check out our "Parent Connection" newsletter. If you're not receiving this weekly email, but would like to, send us a note.

Financial Update

As of November 17, 2024

Month to Date Receipts: $13,954

Year to Date Receipts: $412,996

2024 Budgeted Receipts: $464,840

Financial Update Note: Contributions will be reported at the time they are received, even if they are prepayments of annual pledges. If you have questions, please contact Jacob Geary or call the church office at 214-361-6641.

Giving Options for Northway Christian Church

 Give online at

Give via text message by texting NORTHWAY to 73256

Gifts and offerings may also be mailed to the church office at

7202 W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75225

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