This Sunday: "On a Wing and a Prayer"

Scripture: Romans 8:12-17

Join us On Campus or Online | Sunday, September 29, 2024

Click for list of pulpit guests 

A Note from the Pastor

Mark 14 opens with Jesus being anointed by an un-named woman at Bethany. She comes into the home Jesus and the disciples were in, then pours a jar of expensive perfume on and over Jesus. Some of the others present got into their feelings about it, complaining that she was being wasteful. Jesus challenges them and says in verse 6, “Leave her alone…she has done a beautiful thing to me.”

It is really important to do something because it is beautiful, and God loves beauty. We will be blessed to worship with the Jarvis Christian University Choir this Sunday. These musicians are going to join us and help to lead us in creating something beautiful to offer up as praise. This really is one of our key practices of faith.

Richard Beck explains it like this:

What is faith? I'm often not sure. But I think a part of faith looks a lot like what the woman at Bethany does. Faith is going places and doing beautiful things to anoint the Crucified One as Lord.

We’ll get a chance to do that with some fantastic visiting musicians this Sunday, who will come into a different place and create beauty with us. I can’t wait to worship with them and you this week.

See you in church.

Rev. Chesna Riley

Minister of Children, Youth, and Families

A Note from the Board Chair

Northway has been selected as a Dallas County voting site for early voting and the Nov. 5 election. 

This selection is good news for us in several ways. First, Northway will be paid a daily fee from Oct. 20 through Nov. 6 for the use of our space. Secondly, we will get lots of public exposure, because Dallas County officials estimate that as many as 25,000 people may come through our building. Staff members are working on displays in the narthex and videos to be shown on screens there that might appeal to anyone looking for a church or for volunteer opportunities. Finally, we will be providing a needed service for the community by serving as a polling place.

We know that this commitment will cause some minor and temporary inconveniences for our members and visitors. Staff has already developed plans to deal with any potential disruptions. Those plans will be shared with the congregation over the next several weeks.

Another bonus, plan to vote conveniently at Northway sometime when you are here during daytime hours Oct. 21-Nov. 1! 

Kay Ellis

NCC 2024 Board Chair

What's Next? A Note from the Task Force

Northway members: If would like to review the "What's Next" results which the Task Force collected from the May 5th meeting, they are available to you through the "Northway Christian Church" group located in Realm, under the group files/resources. You can also review the results by clicking the button shown below.

May 5th Results

9:00 am - Sunday School

10:00 am - Fellowship

10:30 am - Worship Service

You may join us in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 am. The service is also available on Facebook and YouTube. Below are some tips for worshiping with us online.

Announcements begin at 10:15 am, with the prelude to follow. Join us early! Prepare your own bread, cup and candle for communion. Turn on and adjust the sound to your computer.

Children's Music

Children in grades K-5 will meet at 9:00 am in F-202. Kids will be escorted to their Sunday School class following music time.

Worship Rocks - Will Not Meet Children ages 3 - 5th grade who usually participate in Worship Rocks will join their families in the Sanctuary for worship on Intergen. Sunday.

After-Church Choir Rehearsal

11:45 am - meet in the Music Suite following the worship service.

Solomon's Porch (Men's Group)

2nd and 4th Saturdays

7:30 am in the Music Suite.

Tai Chi

Mondays at 10:30 am

In F-101

Contact Donna for info


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Tuesday, October 8

1:00 pm in F-104

Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

in the Music Suite

Reform or Revive?

Intergen. Study

Wed, Oct 2

5:30 pm - Dinner time

6:00 pm - Study

in E-114 and Zoom

Learn more here.

Emerge Worship Service

Sunday, October 20

9:15 am in F-101

Serving Others with Christ-like Compassion

Mobile Food Pantry

1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Seeds of Faith Community Garden

1st and 3rd Saturdays

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Greater Garth Chapel

2828 Carpenter Ave.

Dallas, TX 75215

Diaper Distribution

4th Saturdays

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Blood Drive @ Northway

Saturday, October 5

12:00 - 5:00 pm

in Fellowship Hall

Register to give here!

Rise Against Hunger

Sunday, November 17

12:40 - 2:30 pm

in Fellowship Hall

Sign up here!

Want to get involved?

Email us and we will

help you get connected!

Click to Sign Up
Ticket Info Here

Save the dates!

10/7 Memorial Service for Joan Stevenson, 11:00 am in the Sanctuary

10/11 Arts District Choral Concert, 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary

10/20 NCDS & Boone's Boo Bash, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, back lot (tickets $25 ea)

11/3 All Saints Concert, 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary

11/17 All-Church Fellowship Lunch, 12:00 pm in F-101

11/17 Rise Against Hunger, 12:30 - 2:30 pm in F-101

Birthday Celebrations

Happy birthday to David Self, Joe Buskuhl, Lindsay Dye, Laura Crawford, Joan Gearner, Norman Stolpe, Austin Koh, Michael Koh, Jessica Ziesmer, and Greg Florez.

Parent Connection

Hey Parents! If you'd like to keep up with Northway's activities for children and youth, you'll want to click here to check out our "Parent Connection" newsletter. If you're not receiving this weekly email, but would like to, send us a note.

Financial Update

As of Sept 22, 2024

Month to Date Receipts: $26,150

Year to Date Receipts: $352,851

2024 Budgeted Receipts: $464,840

Financial Update Note: Contributions will be reported at the time they are received, even if they are prepayments of annual pledges. If you have questions, please contact Jacob Geary or call the church office at 214-361-6641.

Giving Options for Northway Christian Church

 Give online at

Give via text message by texting NORTHWAY to 73256

Gifts and offerings may also be mailed to the church office at

7202 W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75225