2020-21, 2021-22 calendars approved
Following two rounds of community input, trustees approved district calendars for the next two school years – 2020-21 and 2021-22 – based on the most popular version of the calendar, Option C, as voted by community members and approved by the District Education Improvement Council.
Next school year, 2020-21, will begin on Aug. 20, 2020, and end on May 28, 2021. The following year, 2021-22, will largely mirror the same calendar style. That year will feature an Aug. 18, 2021, start date and May 26, 2022, end date. Please note that though the 2021-22 calendar has been adopted, it is subject to change if the need arises.
Long-Range Planning Committee recommends calling bond election
The district’s Long-Range Planning Committee, composed of more than 40 community and staff members, presented the Board of Trustees the work of the committee over the last six months. The LRPC recommended the Board call a bond election for May 2, 2020, that would total $936 million. The majority of the bond would fund new schools, replacement schools and campus expansions to provide more room for a rapidly growing student population.
Specifically, the committee’s recommendation consists of two elementary schools and a middle school. Hatfield Elementary School and Seven Hills Elementary School as well as Pike Middle School would be designated for replacement campuses. Additionally, Northwest High School would receive an expansion and an extensive renovation under the proposal. Nance Elementary School would also receive an expansion. To view the full committee report including all items in the recommendation,
click here.
Four community members on the committee – Dave Edstrom, Judith Gallagher, Justin McCloskey and Jacob Wurman – presented the recommendations. They informed the Board that there were three main drivers to the recommendations, which were: (1) the committee wanted a package that would provide the spaces needed for the growing student enrollment; (2) the committee wanted to provide NISD taxpayers more time in between bond elections; and (3) the committee wanted to present a package that would have a zero net effect on the current NISD tax rate.
If approved, the committee members felt the recommendation would accomplish all three needs of the LRPC. It would provide the space necessary to serve current and future students over the next several years. It would expand the time before another bond would have to be presented to NISD taxpayers, and the $936 million, if approved, would not cause the NISD tax rate to rise.
NISD Trustees will take the recommendation under consideration at the next regular board meeting on Feb. 10, 2020. All parents and community members are invited to attend.
Legislative priorities approved
In advance of the 2021 Texas Legislative Session, trustees approved the district’s legislative priorities that they believe best represent the interest of the district, its students and families.
The priorities focus on five key areas: fast growth, school finance, accountability and assessment, area transportation needs, and safety and security. These areas were chosen based on important issues affecting Northwest ISD as well as state education in general. To see the background of each priority area,
click here.
Solicitations for pre-K partnerships opened
To meet the needs of changing state education requirements, trustees voted to approve the solicitation of pre-kindergarten partnerships for full-day pre-K.
Several criteria were established for the partnership requirements to ensure a quality educational environment is upheld. Some examples of these requirements include complying with state guidelines on student eligibility, maintaining appropriate licensing and staff having certified teaching certificates.
If you represent a pre-K provider interested in submitting a partnership proposal,
click here for requirements and details. To submit an application,
click here.
Superintendent’s Performance Objectives approved
Each year, trustees help steer the direction of the district by setting performance objectives for the superintendent. Trustees voted to approve these objectives for the 2020-21 school year.
Next year’s performance objectives focus on six overall categories: literacy; academic progress; college, career, military and life readiness; faculty and staff support; safety and security; and financial reform and transparency. Each of these six categories includes specific measures for how success is defined.
Reports presented to board
District leadership and partners presented several subjects to the board as reports, including:
- Facilities, planning and construction
- November and December finance and investments
In other action, the board
- Recognized trustees for their support of the district and work guiding its path. January is School Board Recognition Month, and trustees were presented with gifts as tokens of appreciation.
- Recognized volunteers who helped with the Angel Tree program, supporting hundreds of students in need across the district and ensuring they had holiday gifts.
- Recognized Byron Nelson High School’s volleyball team for winning the 2019 UIL 6A Volleyball State Championship.
- Discussed budget parameters for the 2020-21 school year.