Northwood School Laker

December 13, 2024

Spirit Week Next Week!

Parent Volunteer Needed

We are looking for a parent volunteer to serve on the calendar committee to develop the 2025-2026 school calendar. The committee generally meets once or twice for about an hour after school (work schedules can be accommodated) in January. One parent will be selected randomly from the pool of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Jocelyn Young by email or phone (603-942-5488).

Managing Holiday Stress for Families!

As we approach the holidays, many of us look forward to spending time with family and friends. Sharing in the joys of the season is a favorite pastime for most of us to experience, along with a break from school and work. However, for some, the holiday season can potentially bring up difficult and anxious feelings. At this time of year, we may often think about loved ones not with us, how to finance the gifts and experiences we want to give to the people we love, how to “make the rounds,” how to survive hours in the car with small children, and the list seems to go on indefinitely.

In fact, one study conducted by the Harvard Medical School determined that approximately “Sixty-two percent of respondents described their stress level as very, or somewhat, elevated during the holidays” (Holiday Stress and the Brain, 2016). Likewise, roughly half of that number actually pertained to children. We all know that children learn what they see, so if they see the adults in their lives stressed out, they will be too. Therefore, it is important to find ways to cope with our own holiday anxiety, knowing that the less holiday stress we feel, the more relaxed the children around us will be during this time of year. As such, please feel free to check out this practical article from Family First Pediatrics on ways to help minimize the stress we may all feel during this holiday season. May you all have a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday!

~ Mr. Ling

Source: Holiday Stress and the Brain. (2016, Winter).

Spelling Bee

Spellers, get ready! Students in grades 4-8 received the classroom spelling bee lists from their homeroom or ELA teachers this week. The classroom spelling bees will be held before winter break. Two finalists from each classroom will move on to compete in the schoolwide spelling bee on January 10th. Good luck to all!

News from the Library

8th graders in Info tech recently completed their Professional Unit. During this unit, they learn how to format resumes, compose cover letters and keep work in a digital portfolio. The culminating activity is a mini job interview, with staff and parent volunteers acting as prospective employers. They all did a fantastic job!

4th graders recently exercised their historian skills by completing a digital scavenger hunt based on the first Thanksgiving. They had to solve puzzles to find four code words in order to complete it. They are great at teamwork!

Students in Ms Flinders' class recently had a technology lesson during Library class. They practiced their clicking and dragging, as well as pattern recognition to complete Thanksgiving-themed pixel art.

News from Kindergarten

It’s been a busy week in kindergarten! We were busy little elves making holiday crafts for our family, looking for Jingle the Elf hiding in our classroom, and using shapes to create art. 

Exciting news! The 8th grade class is selling our exclusive Laker Monster Pride Croc Jibbitz to help support our upcoming class trip. Order forms were sent home and are also available in the office. Thank you for your support!

~ Northwood School Class of 2025

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Cannella or Ms. Young with questions.

Important Dates

December 18 - School Board meeting, 6:30

December 23 - January 1 - Winter Break

January 10 - Spelling Bee

January 14 - PTO meeting, 6:00

January 15 - School Board meeting, 6:30

January 20 - MLK/Civil Rights Day, no school

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
