Northwood School Laker
February 14, 2020
Northwood Olympics!
The annual tradition of the "Northwood Olympics" will be next week! Check out the theme for each day of this exciting week! Classrooms get points for participation and "medals" will be awarded during the ceremony.
Kindergarten Registration
On Wednesday, May 20, Northwood School will hold our annual Kindergarten registration. Current Kindergarten students will not have school that day. Please mark your calendars!
Art Room News
Sixth grade finished their 3D cartoon sculptures.
Second grade learned about the street artist Jason Naylor and recreated his colorful hearts. 
Fifth grade finished their texture animals.
School & Community News
Important Dates
February 14 - 6-8 Dance, 6:00
February 19 - Winter Sports Awards, 6:00
February 24 - 28 - February Vacation
March 5 - CBNA Registration, 6:00 - 7:30
March 5 - School Board meeting, 6:30