Northwood School Laker

December 15, 2023

Winter Holiday Fun

Please note the PJ day on the first day of spirit week is a Student Council fundraiser and requires a $1 donation to participate. The activities for the rest of the week do not require a donation.

From the Assistant Principal's Desk

Twas the week before the break and at Northwood school

The kids were excited, the teachers stayed cool

The assignments were hung by the Smartboard with care

In cubbies were mittens, hats, and jackets to wear

The kids were making projects with glitter galore

While Mr. Ballou sighed “GLITTER? please no more!”

While Heather and Jackie served up the meals

The hallways were filled with holiday feels

The kindergartners are walking with marshmallow toes

While wishing and hoping that it soon snows

Ms. Hashem’s band kids were tuned up just right

Their winter concert was awesome, it was truly out of sight

Nova was snuggled all tight on her bed 

While visions of doggie treats danced in her head

And on Friday afternoon when the final bell rings

Relaxation and serenity 12:30pm will bring

As the busses and the cars rolled out of sight

The teachers exclaimed, “Happy winter break to all, we’re going to bed…Good Night!”

I wish all of our kids, caregivers, and staff a restful and joyous winter break.

- Mr. Drolet

News from Kindergarten

Mrs. Magnusson’s kindergarteners spread some holiday cheer throughout the school preforming Jingle Bells!

Parent Volunteer Needed

We are looking for a parent volunteer to serve on the calendar committee to develop the 2024-2025 school calendar. The committee generally meets once or twice for about an hour after school (work schedules can be accommodated) in January. One parent will be selected randomly from the pool of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Jocelyn Young by email or phone (603-942-5488).

Calendar Raffle

The 8th grade advisory team is putting together a Calendar Raffle fundraiser to raise money for their trip to Boston this spring. The Calendars will go on sale Monday, December 4th. The last day to purchase one is Wednesday, December 20th. Calendars are $15 a piece and each calendar will give you 31 chances to win a prize including our $500 grand prize. Thank you in advance for supporting the 8th grade class!

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with great kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

December 20 - School Board meeting, 6:30

December 22 - Early Release, 12:35

December 25 - January 1 - Winter Break, no school

January 3 - School Board meeting, 6:30

January 12 - Spelling Bee

January 12 - 6-8 Dance

January 15 - Civil Rights/MLK Day - no school

January 17 - School Board meeting, 6:30

January 23 - Voting Day - no school for students

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
