Northwood School Laker

October 18, 2024


On Thursday, October 31, we encourage students and staff to celebrate the season by wearing seasonal attire. Clothing featuring jack o' lanterns, spiders, bats, black cats, etc., is encouraged! Please note that students are not permitted to wear costumes to school.

From the Assistant Principal's Office

“Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom.”

-Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman appointed to the Supreme Court

If you took a moment to watch the school board meeting this past Wednesday, the first month's discipline data was discussed and compared to that of the two previous years. To summarize those findings, the teachers and administrators have been busy responding to an increase in student behaviors and devising new ways in which to increase focus on academic matters. We have seen and addressed a wider array of behavior and evidence of dysregulation in students this year than in previous years.  

But the question is why? Why are more students exhibiting such dysregulation? The Universal Team, which works to define, teach, and consistently model safe, responsible, and respectful behavior to maximize social and academic success, has analyzed the discipline data and discovered that the predominant reasons behind the behavior are primarily due to the need to acquire attention and/or to find an escape from the given task. The school has a number of ways in which we are tackling the issue:

  • Increase ways in which students are recognized for doing something positive;
  • Continue the focus on our “Choose Love” character building curriculum;
  • Continue the use of restorative practices and use of the Student Support Room;
  • Identify students through the Student Support Team in need of an additional level of behavioral support through check-ins, social-skills groups, and self-management;
  • Identify students through review of assessment and classroom data who are struggling with academics and provide student-specific learning plans;
  • Employ zero tolerance for unkind and unsafe behaviors, while still making space and time to right the wrong.

We need your support. Please consider the following ways in which you can help your child feel valued without having to seek attention through negative behaviors:

  • Positive reinforcement: Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements at home. Praise your child for their efforts, whether it's completing homework or showing kindness to a peer.
  • Structured Routines: Establish a consistent daily routine. This provides a sense of security and helps students know what to expect, reducing anxiety and the urge to act out. Ensure that adequate sleep and proper nutrition are part of your child’s routines.  
  • Engaging Activities: Encourage participation in extracurricular activities that align with your child's interests. This can help them channel their energy positively and build self-esteem.
  • Monitor Screen Time and Phone Use: Ensure that your child is consuming media and engaging in social media and communication platforms that are appropriate for their developmental level.
  • Open Communication: Maintain an open line of communication with your child. Ask about their day, listen to their concerns, and validate their feelings. This can help them feel understood and valued.
  • Teach Coping Strategies: Work with your child to develop coping strategies for stress or frustration. Techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, or taking breaks can be effective.
  • Model Positive Behavior: Demonstrate healthy ways to seek attention and cope with challenges. Your actions can set a powerful example.
  • Work with your child’s teacher(s) and administrators: From experience, the last thing any teacher or administrator wants to do is contact home about a misbehavior. And chances are, there have already been many, many redirections, reteachings, and warnings. When we do call, please work with us to find a solution.  

As mentioned in a previous Laker article, students are only with us for a fraction of their days and we need everyone’s support to encourage a positive experience that focuses on learning.

~Sarah Gilliam, CAGS

Food Drive Begins Next Week!

Join us in making a difference in our community by participating in our food and necessity drive for the local food pantry! From October 21 to November 20, we will be collecting any canned goods or non-perishable food items. We would especially appreciate donations of pasta and canned goods. Please note that we have a surplus of rice, so we kindly ask that you refrain from donating rice. In addition to food items, we are also accepting non-food wish list items such as toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, dish soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodorant. Your contributions will go a long way in supporting those in need in our community. Thank you for your generosity!

News from Kindergarten

This week was Bus Safety Week in Mrs. Magnusson’s kindergarten class. We learned how to cross the street safely, sit in our seat, and all about bus expectations. Thank you to Ms. Smith for visiting us and bringing coloring books and stickers! It was exciting to go on your bus!

School & Community Information

The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire is hosting Exploring Our Way free sensory friendly

playtimes designed for children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders. These sessions are set for 1-3 p.m. on Oct. 6, Nov. 5 and Dec. 1.

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Cannella or Ms. Young with questions.

Important Dates

October 22 - Delayed opening, school starts at 10:05

October 25 - 6-8 Dance, 6:30 - 8:30

November 4 - Parent Conferences, no school

November 5 - Voting Day, no school

November 6 - Picture Retake Day

November 6 - School Board meeting, 6:30

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
