Northwood School Laker
January 3, 2020
Third Grade Tradition
It has become a tradition at Northwood School for the third graders to receive a personal dictionary from the Chichester Grange. The “Dictionary Project” began in the 1990s in Georgia when a woman decided to give local children a dictionary to help with school. This later grew into wanting to put a dictionary into the hands of every third grader. With the help of generous donations this is able to happen. We at Northwood School are very lucky to have the Chichester Grange organize this event and extend a very big thank you to give to Mr. John from The Circle Restaurant in Epsom. Mr. John is our sponsor and donates the dictionaries to our classrooms. The students loved exploring their dictionaries finding things beyond words and meanings that included the longest word in the English Language, American Sign Language, information on the states, presidents and more!
A big thank you shout out to the Chichester Grange and Mr. John!

School & Community News
School Board Newsletter

Check out the latest edition of the School Board Newsletter!
From the Northwood School District Clerk
The following positions are open for the March school district elections:
School Board Member: 3 year- 1 position
School Board Member: 1 year- 1 position
The filing dates for the above vacancies are January 22, 2020 to January 31, 2020, 5 P.M.
Anyone interested in running for one of these positions, please contact the School District Clerk at 
234-8609 or leave a message at the school.
Thank you
Penny Hampl
Northwood School District Clerk

Got Laker Gear?
Proceeds benefit our eighth grade class trip!
Important Dates
January 8 - Basketball games
January 9 - Basketball games
January 10 - Middle School Dance (6-8), 6:00 - 8:00
January 14 - Basketball games
January 16 - Basketball games
January 17 - Spelling Bee
January 20 - Civil Rights Day - No School
January 21 - Basketball games
January 23 - School Board meeting, 6:30 (rescheduled from 1/16)