Northwood School Laker

May 13, 2022

Laker Submission - 5.13.png

From the Nurse's Office

Covid cases continue to rise within our school and community.  NH DHHS continues to recommend vaccination and boosters for everyone 5 and up.  Please continue to be vigilant in testing students if they have any symptoms of Covid.  Additional recommended prevention strategies include:

  • Hand hygiene 
  • Increasing ventilation
  • Teaching good respiratory etiquette
  • Using facemasks
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell

Current information about rates, vaccination, quarantine, isolation and more can be found here.

News from the Library

Good news! The Book Fair is back!

This is our first in-school book fair since 2019, so let's make it a great one! The book fair will be here from June 6th-June 10th.

Fliers will be sent home with students the week before, including instructions for setting up E-wallet.

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during the book fair. If you're interested in helping out, please email Erin Mawn

For more information about the Northwood School 2022 Book Fair, please visit: ol22

News from Kindergarten

Such a busy week in kindergarten. Our little teachers taught their classmates ballet, football, how to cook scrambled eggs, how to be helpful, and a science experiment called magical milk! Great job teaching, kids!

News from the Art Room

7th/8th Grade Painting Classes finished their first project making Pop Art inspired paintings.

Now Accepting Submissions for this Year's Literary Magazine!

The Literary Magazine will be accepting submissions for the 2021-2022 school year until June 1st. Students are encouraged to send in short stories, poems, essays, and creative writing pieces (no more than 800 words). Submissions can include independent or classroom assignments students are proud of and would like to share. Submissions should be sent to homeroom teachers (K-5) or ELA teachers (6-8) digitally. Please contact Ms. Harrington or Ms. Carloni with any questions.

Kindergarten Screening/Registration

May 18, 2022

Meals Information

School & Community News


Important Dates

May 18 - Kindergarten Registration

May 18 - 5-8 Music/Art Show, 5:00

May 27 - Teacher Workshop, no school

May 30 - Memorial Day, no school

June 6 - 10 - Book Fair

June 8 - School Board meeting, 6:30

June 17 - Eighth grade semi-formal, 6:00

June 20 - Eighth grade graduation, 6:00

June 22 - Last day of school (early release @ 12:30)

June 29 - Report cards issued

Please see the athletics calendar for information on games.

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