
Thursday, March 21

5:00 - 7:00 pm


Bear Gallery

Fairbanks Arts Association



  Bookmaking Tools   




Tips, Tools & Techniques


We all have our favorite tools, shortcuts, and techniques. This program will be about sharing them with fellow bookmakers. Join us to learn some tricks of the bookmaking trade from others, and be inspired by some new ideas.


At least ten of our members are prepared to present a tip, tool, or technique with our group. They will provide demonstrations, patterns, directions, and source information. All of their tips, tools, & techniques will be summarized in a handout for you to take home. In one case, a presenter has a gift for you! 


If you have something you'd like to share, please do! Contact Margo at margoklass@acslaska.net to join the list of presenters.


At the end of the evening Northwoods and some of the presenters will offer an opportunity to purchase items highlighted by the presenters and other bookmaking items. If you have bookmaking tools or materials you would like to sell, bring them to the meeting, tagged with your name and price, including 10% commission to go to Northwoods Book Arts Guild. All sales cash or check.


Program fee: $5


Everyone is welcome!




  coptic books 

Northwoods Book Arts Guild Workshop 

Coptic Binding Workshop with Corlis Taylor

April 19 - 20


Workshop information and registration available at the meeting!



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