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Thursday, November 21 

5:00 - 7:00 pm


Blue Room

Fairbanks Arts Association


  Turkish Map Fold   


BOOKS AS ART: Structure, Image, Text

Northwood's Exhibition in June 2014

Bear Gallery, Fairbanks Arts Association



Pick up your Prospectus

Sign-up continues for "invitational entries"

(special opportunities to enter the show)

 Questions? Ideas? Bring them to the meeting!



Fabulous Folds


What's in a fold, you ask?  Come and learn how to make seven Fabulous Folds - each one of them is a structure on which to design a whole artist book. This is a hands-on program. Everyone will go through the process of making the structures and leave with a model of each fold - each is a great idea for making books to enter in the show, BOOKS AS ART: Structure, Image, Text.


Please bring a cutting mat, ruler, X-Acto knife, scissors, and bone folder. We'll provide everything else! 




Program fee: $5 (non-members)

Guild members: no charge


Everyone is welcome!





NEW!!! Artist Papers now available:

Hahnemuhle Ingres Paper, various colors

Khadi handmade papers, various colors


Bookmaking supplies are available for purchase BEFORE the meeting. 

In addition to the new papers, we have bookmaker's glue (Jade 403), waxed linen (limited colors), and MacTac. Please note: supplies will be available for purchase between 4:45 - 5:15 only. Cash or checks accepted.


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