Worship Service Times Changing This Sunday
To read more about this change please click here. Or check out this video on our YouTube page.
Sunday Worship, March 27th
Full to the Brim - Prodigal Grace
.....This week we hear the story of the Prodigal Son. The word ‘prodigal’ can be defined as wasteful or imprudent, hence the Prodigal Son. But, ‘prodigal’ can also mean extravagant and excessive. The story is also about the Prodigal Father. We are loved by God who is extravagant in mercy and excessive in grace. Come feel something of that grace.
Join us for In-Person Worship at 10am
.....In-Person Sunday Worship and Kids Church is open! While many places in our community do not require a mask, we are still encouraging the use of face masks on Sundays and our leadership will also be masked. Email Jennifer Stinson if you would like to join our volunteer team and help us provide a safe and warm welcome to all who gather.

Watch Sunday's Service Online - NEW TIME
.....Join us in live, online worship this Sunday at 9:00 am. You can find the service on Facebook Live or our YouTube channel. The service will be saved at both locations through the week.
Youth & Young Families News

Movie Night Tonight!

.....Popcorn's popping for Friday March 25th 6:30 p.m. Join us to watch Raya and the Last Dragon. This Disney movie from 2021 has some great themes about forgiveness and grace. Pajamas, blankets and stuffies are welcome.

Kids Choir - Saturdays 9:30am to 10:30am - NUC Sanctuary
.....This is an all ages choir - from 3 to 18. No experience needed. The goal is to get kids comfortable with ensemble music, to learn the joy of praising God in song, and to start creating a community for young music lovers.
.....We are starting to work with drums and rhythm instruments from around the world. We have drums from Africa, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico, and Ontario's Anishinaabe Wiikwemkoong First Nation. (Manitoulin Island). Participants can choose to try the drums or not. We have Mike Hopper (percussionist) coming this week to help us learn how to play the drums. He will bring his full set so that the kids can try playing the kit if they'd like. (Everybody feels like a rock star on the drums)
.....Parents are welcome to just drop off or come in and hang out in the lounge.
I hope that your kids decide to get out of bed and come sing. We are having a lot of fun and would love to draw the circle wider!

Children's Craft Corner

This Sunday during worship!

Join Jan and Jen in Room 5 for a special spring planting activity! A big thanks to 10 and 10 Garden Centre for helping provide the special plants and supplies.
From the Affirming Ministry Team

.....Norval United has begun the process of becoming an Affirming Ministry. To read more about Affirming Ministry, the process and team members, click here.

We Need Your Input - Affirming Ministry Survey
.....The Affirming Ministry Team want to hear from you. They created a survey to determine where Norval United Church is, as a community, as we begin the process of becoming an Affirming Ministry. The survey will take 10-15 minutes of your time, and your thoughtful and honest feedback is appreciated. Hard copies will be available in-person on Sunday, or you can fill one out online by clicking here.
Norval United Food Ministry
Feeding others. Building community.
.....Thanks to all who participated in this Saturday's Pulled Pork take-out meal. These events allow us to learn the best ways of using our kitchen, in order to be able to grow the Ministry and Team, and hold more community events! And it's also just plain fun to feed you!

Here's what we've got cooking over the next few months: (see image)
Ways to Serve
Join a great team and put your faith in action!
Sunday Morning Volunteers
Bruce Cunnington and Heather Fraser have been doing a wonderful job of looking after our Sunday morning coffee, tea, and cookies and would love to grow the team! Training will be provided and coffee grinds premeasured. If you can help 1 or 2 Sundays a month, please contact Heather Fraser. You can email her here.
From 3 John 1:5 - Dear friend, when you extend hospitality to Christian brothers and sisters, even when they are strangers, you make the faith visible.
Nursery Supervisors Needed!
.....We are looking for a team of Nursery Supervisors who can help make in-person church a safe and welcoming place for our littlest! Must be 14 or older (those over 18 must provide a Criminal Records Check), have experience supervising younger children, and a babysitting course certification is an asset. You would be in charge of running the nursery room where we welcome kiddos up to the age of 4. This is a paid position, 1.5 hours on a Sunday. Please contact Jen if you are interested.
Seeking Softball Team Manager
.....After a long couple of summers, the church softball league returns! Cathy Weekes and Dean Paul are stepping down as co-managers for Norval's team. Would you or someone you know be interested in heading up the team for this casual league? Games are Wednesday nights. For more info, or to express interest, please contact office@norvalunited.ca and we will put you in touch with Cathy and Dean.
Other Opportunities
.....Here are a few other excellent opportunities:
  • Greeting Team (a great way to get to know people!)
  • In-Person AV Team (help run the tech in the Sanctuary)
  • Food Truck Fridays (help set up and welcome and engage the community who come out)
Consider these or other ways you feel called to participate in the life and work of NUC! Contact Jennifer Stinson at office@norvalunited.ca, 905-877-66122, or in-person on Sundays.
Prayer and Financial Aid for Ukraine
Outreach for Ukraine

.....The Outreach Team made a donation of $1,500 on behalf of Norval United Church to go towards the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.
.....We know many are seeking more information on ways to help. We have compiled a list of options for your consideration, and prayer resources too.
Please visit this post on our website.
Spiritual Practices
Walking Through Lent

Join the NUC Walking Group as we connect with nature, each other, and God with every step we take through Lent. Come walk together on Sundays after church, or walk in your own neighborhood on your own schedule. Join our Facebook group to share your photos and prayers along the way. We can also keep track of our steps together on Pacer. (use group code: Q42449275)
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; speak up on their behalf, and give thanks for them."
1 Timothy 2:1

Here are some recent
prayer requests:
Praying for Tom Auger as he recovers from a broken leg.

Continued prayers for Lynne Remigio as her broken wrist heals.

Holding Fred Paul in our prayers in his continuing journey with cancer. just starting treatment

Praying for Gord Metcalfe, in hospital with a brain hemorrhage. Margo expressed her thanks for all the prayers, he is doing much better.

Holding Melanie Reed and the family in prayer after Deanna's death.

Praying for Terry Hope as he recovers at home from surgery.

Braydan Thornhill: Praying for my friend's mom in an extended hospital stay due to a bad car accident.

Kym Taal: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Susan Shaw offers a constant prayer for the people of Ukraine.

Amy Bolton: Prayers for all the children feeling anxiety and fear returning to their classrooms without masks - fear of being teased if their choice is different from another's, fear of the spread of Covid, fear of what is different.

Brenda Checanis: Prayers for Lucy, born 7 weeks early.

Trudy Watson-Leung: Prayers for my sister and her family and their journey through a time of change and self-discovery.

Cathy Cunningham: Please continue to pray for my daughter's friend Steven, who is in hospital with a staph infection. Chemo will not happen this week. Thank you for your prayers and blessings.

Elaine Van Doorn: Praying for my dear friend, Trish, who is in a great deal of pain as the result of several broken vertebrae.