Norwalk Community School District • October 2023

World Class Schools for Our Students: Enrollment & ELL Update

NOTE FROM DAWN SCHIRO, Director of Teaching and Learning

As anticipated, the number of English Learners (ELL) students continues to grow in the district. We have reached our highest number of ELL students being served or monitored at any time. We are welcoming two new ELL teachers to our team this year: Cindy Dickson and Jory Nelson. Ms. Dickson, Ms. Everhart and Ms. Nelson are our full-time teachers this year. Ms. Everhart supports students at Orchard Hills and Lakewood, Ms.Dickson serves students at Oviatt and Orchard Hills, and Ms. Nelson serves students at Oviatt, Middle School, and High School. All three teachers provide instructional services to help our ELL students become more proficient in their English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. 

Currently, there are 66 students being served directly. There are thirteen different languages represented within this group of students, with Spanish and Somali representing the largest percentage of students. The ongoing challenge with serving our population is not knowing how many ELL students will be moving into the district at any given time and knowing how intensive their needs may be. Obviously students moving in with little to no English language abilities require more support. 

In addition to the obvious instructional support that our teachers provide, they have established great relationships with our ELL students and their families. Other outside entities have also provided support to our students, e.g  ArtForce (Des Moines), AMOS (Norwalk Christian Church). We are very appreciative for these outside volunteers as our students and families acclimate into our community.


Fall Activities Update

Norwalk Homecoming is next week, Oct. 2-6! Don't miss out on all the fun activities available to our students, staff and families! GO WARRIORS!

Purchase Homecoming Tickets

2023 NHS Homecoming Court 

2023 Hall of Fame Inductees

HOCO Fall Fest & Pep Assembly 

NEW! Fall Pop-Up Shops

Join Norwalk Elementary PTO!  

The Norwalk PTO brings together parents, teachers, school staff and caregivers of elementary students; striving to make our schools a better place! We raise funds, volunteer and plan events at Oviatt, Orchard Hills, and Lakewood. We work toward 3 main goals: to improve the environment at the schools by providing volunteer and financial support, to assist teachers and students in furthering the education and development goals of the schools, and to foster a spirit of cooperation between parents and schools as well as assist in and enhance the students' education.

Becoming a member of PTO is easy! If you are interested in learning more about what we do or helping our elementary schools, you can sign up on our website at

PTO Facebook
PTO Website

Now Hiring Substitute Bus Drivers

School activities are in full swing which means our buses are busy! The district is looking for substitute bus drivers to help transport our activity students and coaches to competitions during the day and in the evenings. Training is provided! For more information, please contact our Transportation Department and ask for Carlos! 515.981.0016


  • Skilled Maintenance/HVAC-R
  • Full-time Custodian
  • Coaches & Sponsors
  • Part-Time General Nutrition Worker

Substitutes Needed: 

  • Custodians
  • General Nutrition Workers
  • Paraeducators
  • Bus Drivers
Apply Online




The Norwalk Shop is rolling out a new shirt design to promote the Norwalk School District's theme BELONG. Use the link below to view and purchase a shirt in support of the BELONG campaign and the Norwalk Community School District!


Photos of the Month!

Warrior Dash: Orchard Hills Elementary students enjoying their Warrior Dash day hosted by Norwalk Elementary PTO!

photo credits: NHS Photography Class

District Links



Athletics & Activities



Sept. 29: No School - Professional Learning Day for Staff

Oct. 2-6: Warrior Homecoming Week

Nov 6-8: Conferences

Nov 10: No School - Teachers Day Off

Nov 22-24: Thanksgiving Break - No School

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