December 13, 2018
Norwalk Public Schools News & Information

Wolfpit Students Visit City Hall

This week, Wolfpit second graders eagerly crowded into the office of Dr. Frank Costanzo, NPS Chief of School Operations, to learn more about his job. Students spent the remainder of the morning touring City Hall and meeting with staff to better understand how the city and school system works.  
School Start Time Committee Update

Parents of teens know that most like to sleep late in the morning when they can. One reason why: melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep, is released later in teenagers than it is for children or adults.   
The initial meeting of the School Start Time Committee included an overview of facts like this as part of its orientation to the science of sleep and adolescents. The impact of sleep deprivation on teens was also part of the discussion. A review of how other school districts have addressed the problem included examples from Fairfield County, as well as practices from throughout the country. Dr. Adamowski also presented the committee charge, which is available by clicking here
The committee’s work will examine the best way to implement later start times for high school students. The committee includes members from a variety of areas including health, sports, school operations, transportation, and communications, as well as parents, a sleep expert, teachers, principals and administrators. For a full list of committee members, click here .   
The committee’s next meeting will include a review of athletic data, as well as planning for a school start time survey and focus groups. 
Board of Education District Roles and Contact Information

Parents often approach Board of Education members directly, hoping to resolve individual issues. The Board of Ed is an elected body composed of nine volunteer community members. Board of Education members and Norwalk Public Schools Central Office administrative staff have different roles and responsibilities. Students, parents, and families should work through the proper chain of command within the school administration, starting with the teacher or principal, then moving up. The public is always welcome to contact their elected representatives on the Board of Education, but they should be aware that this is not where the process should begin, unless they are looking for advice on the appropriate person to contact for assistance.
To assist with finding the appropriate person in the administration to help with a specific issue, the Board has created an informational sheet on the chain of command and process for resolving issues, as well as some helpful contact information. This information is available on the Board page of the NPS website:  BOE and NPS Roles and Contacts.
2019-2020 Budget Planning Begins

Planning is underway for the 2019-20 Norwalk Public Schools budget. The recommended budget will focus on funds necessary to continue implementing the high priority educational initiatives outlined in the Board of Ed’s Strategic Operating Plan . The budget request also includes funding required to meet the cost of current services and contractual agreements, such as labor contracts, health insurance and transportation.  
A joint meeting of the Norwalk Board of Education Finance Committee and the City of Norwalk Finance/Claims Committee will take place tonight at City Hall from 6-7pm. The meeting will focus on the budget goals for both the city and the school district for next year. The proposed 2019-20 NPS operating budget will be covered in depth at the Board of Ed workshop meeting scheduled for January 8, 2019.  
Area Realtors Attend State Of The Schools Seminar

While Norwalk Public Schools continues to grow as the most successful city school system in Connecticut, it is imperative that those looking for a place to call home consider our schools and city as a top choice. 
On December 4, Fairfield County Realtors attended an NPS State of the Schools presentation at the Center for Global Studies at Brien McMahon High School. Led by NPS Superintendent Steven Adamowski and Chairman of the Board of Education and Realtor Mike Barbis, the goal was to highlight all of the positive initiatives taking place across the district.
Realtors were provided with Norwalk’s growth and progress according to the Connecticut Next Generation Accountability Report, new program choices that meet diverse needs and interests, and an update on plans for new and renovated school buildings. The forum allowed for realtors to ask questions and give feedback on what today’s buyers are looking for in a location.
 Kindergarten - Grade 6 Summer School To Be Held July 8 - August 9

This year’s current K-6 students who qualify for Summer Academy will attend beginning July 8 through August 9. Unlike last year, summer school will be held five days a week over the course of five weeks. Summer school hours will range from 8:00am-12:45pm or 9:00am-1:45pm depending on the location. 
Current grade K-3 students will be required to attend Summer Academy if they perform in the well-below benchmark range or in the low end of the below benchmark range on the assessment known as DIBELS. Current grade 4-6 students will be required to attend if they perform in the 25th percentile and below on NWEA Reading. Teachers will be in contact with parents over the next few months if their child is required to attend the Summer Academy. In these cases, attendance will be required for promotion to the next grade. However, English Language Learners and special education students will not be retained. Students who are enrolled in the yearly Horizons summer opportunity can be excused from attending NPS Summer Academy.
There is no cost for Summer Academy students. Transportation, breakfast, and lunch are included. There will be after-school camps set up, similar to last year, for families who need full-time care after Summer Academy (After the Summer Bell). Students will be bused to those camp locations at the schools, but there is a cost that is determined on a sliding fee scale. 
Computer Science Education Week

Last week students across the district participated in activities to celebrate Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek). CSEdWeek is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science. Over 100,000 educators worldwide supported this program, which included coding activities from how to code a sand castle for younger students, to more challenging scenarios for high school students involved in programming clubs. 
Winter Break Begins December 24

NPS wishes you and your family a safe and wonderful holiday season and happy New Year! Winter break will begin on December 24 through January 1. Students and staff will return back to school in the New Year on January 2. We look forward to seeing students in the New Year.

MySchoolBucks is a service for parents to pay for their child’s school meals using a credit or debit card. With this online service, parents can also view a child’s balance. NPS families now have the option to pay a onetime annual membership fee to MySchoolBucks of $12.95 for one student or $26.95 for a family plan and avoid the service fees on individual transactions. If your family budget requires multiple small deposits in your MySchoolBucks account this may be the most economical option. The membership is good for 12 months. For instructions on how to set up OnePay click here .
Norwalk Public Schools Adult Education Registration To Open

According to a census by the Connecticut State Department of Education, over 9,000 adults in Norwalk do not have a high school diploma. A longstanding resource in the community, the Norwalk Adult Continuing Education Program offers Norwalk, Wilton, Weston and Westport students who are no longer attending high school the opportunity to work towards a high school diploma or GED diploma at no cost to the student. English Language Learner (ELL) courses are also available.
Registration for the Norwalk Public Schools Adult Education Spring semester program will take place on January 8 and 9 at Brien McMahon High School, Brookside Elementary School, the Carver Center and Grassroots Tennis (Nathaniel Ely Annex building). Translators will be available at each registration location.

For additional registration information and course details check the NPS website. Interested individuals must register in person on one of the specified dates. 
NPS High School Students Ring In The Holidays With Festive Concerts

Join our talented high school musicians and singers as they serenade friends, parents and community members with holiday favorites at the annual Candlelight and Poinsettia concerts.
The Norwalk High School Candlelight concert will take place on December 17, 18 and 19 at 7:30pm. Doors will open to the public at 7pm and seating is first come, first served. Tickets can be purchased through the NHS main office or through the NHS music director. Tickets are $7 at the door.
The Poinsettia Holiday Concert presented by the Brien McMahon High School Music Department will be held on December 18 at 7:30pm. Tickets are available at the door for $5 per student or senior citizen and $7 per adult. Children under the age of 5 are free. 
Like Us On Facebook And Be In The Know!

Wondering when the next NPS event is taking place? Looking for more information on something that you heard through the grapevine? Go right to the source! The NPS Facebook page is a valuable resource for employees to track the latest and greatest district news. From important meetings and events, to student awards, and safety updates, the district Facebook page provides regular updates thousands of followers. To “Like” or “Follow” NPS on Facebook click here
Thursday, December 13 , Joint Meeting, Board of Ed Finance Committee & City of Norwalk Finance/Claims Committee, 6-7 pm, Common Council Chambers

Tuesday, December 18 , Curriculum Committee Meeting, 6-7pm, Room 322

Tuesday, December 18 , Board Business Meeting, 7-9pm, Room A300

Thursday, December 20 , Ad-Hoc SPED Committee, 7-9pm, Room 322

Monday, December 24 - Tuesday, January 1 , Winter Recess, All Schools Closed

Norwalk Public Schools
125 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06852
Phone: 203-854-4000
This newsletter is compiled & published by the NPS Communications Department.
Have a question about our school district or an item to share?
Contact Brenda Wilcox Williams, Chief Communications Officer, , or call 203-854-4003.