Frank Basile on being a philanthropist
The Omnibus Show podcast
In this episode, he discusses his path and being a philanthropist. Basile and his wife Katrina have contributed to several organizations in various fields. Among these are several to The Herron School of Art and Design, the Indianapolis Arts Center, the Phoenix Theatre, Storytelling Arts of Indiana, the Indiana Theatre Association, and the Indiana Historical Society.
In 2020, Basile and his wife were presented with the Bicentennial Medal for their distinguished service to Indiana University. He has also received the Outstanding Philanthropist Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Spirit of Philanthropy Award from Indiana University.
Basile was the senior vice president of the Gene B. Glick Company, where he worked for 33 years. In addition to his philanthropy and community involvement, he has presented over 1,400 speeches, written 13 books, and authored more than 1,500 articles.
It’s no surprise that having an ineffective board can hurt a nonprofit’s efforts to achieve their mission. Whether it’s a board member who never invests time and effort into the organization or someone who causes a lot of conflict within the board, no nonprofit leader strives to have a “bad board.” But while the instinct can be to just “play nice” and not fix the problems on the board for fear of rocking the boat, this can have devastating consequences. Nonprofit board mistakes and mishaps can cause a domino effect of problems, even leading to the closure of the organization and the board members being held personally liable. Even worse, many of the most damaging mistakes are the least well-known.
Therefore, this article is not going to round up the “usual suspects” that many nonprofit leaders already know about– fiduciary responsibility and keeping good records. Instead, here are the “sleeper” mistakes— the top 5 mistakes of boards that, in practice, often create more damage than the obvious oversights and might not be on your radar.
Top Nonprofit Board Mistakes
- Failing to monitor programming effectiveness or make course corrections
- Not wrestling with tough questions
- Not keeping board level confidences
- One person (or a small group) running the show
- Not holding executives and inactive directors accountable
Kelsey Kotnik Singh joined the Central Indiana Community Foundation as director of marketing, communications, and brand. Singh previously served as communications director for the Indiana State Bar Association.
Lucy Hauser joined the Central Indiana Community Foundation as giving strategies officer. Hauser previously served on the corporate giving team of the United Way of Central Indiana.
Free Press Indiana named Peter Hanscom as its first chief development officer. Hanscom previously served as the chief brand officer for United Way of Central Indiana.
Brooke's Place for Grieving Young People, Inc. hired Danielle Behnke as the outreach coordinator. Behnke previously worked at HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center at the IU School of Medicine as a transition support specialist.
Meijer donated $250,000 to Damar Services to enhance Damar Village, an affordable living community in Indianapolis designed for adults living with behavioral, developmental, and intellectual disabilities. The proceeds will be used for a new multi-purpose activity center and community space with teaching kitchens, as well as an indoor track space. Read more
The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation announced six Marion County public school corporations have received a $20,000 grant to develop four-year plans to increase college enrollment among their students. See recipients
The Kiwanis Foundation of Indianapolis distributed $50,000 in funding to ten local non-profit organizations to test, launch, or expand programs that directly impact youth in Marion County. See 2023 grant recipients
The Central Indiana Bicycle Association Foundation (CIBA-F) is accepting 2024 grant applications up to $70,000 to support the Central Indiana cycling community. Applications are due April 15
The Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center's Public Allies Indianapolis program is hosting a free virtual information session on April 16 at 6 p.m. Learn how hosting an ally can strengthen your organization’s impact and increase your outreach in various ways. Register
Bridges, a new software platform that links to Indiana 211, is designed to provide Hoosiers with help from thousands of health and human service resources in their communities. Designed by three Purdue University professors, the platform helps primary care case managers connect patients with various social services. Read more
CASE volunteers are conducting a fund management survey to learn how fundraisers and fund management leaders feel about working with restricted or specific impact funds at their organizations. Responses are anonymous. Johnson, Grossnickle & Associates will provide the results. Take the brief survey
SHRM Talent virtual conference & expo 2024 will be Apr. 14-17. Learn cutting-edge methods and processes to transform the way you manage talent and empower your organization, all while earning professional development credits. Presented by SHRM. Cost: $1,895 member/ $2,295 non-member. Register
Real world accounting with AI: ROI, benefits, & pitfalls webinar on Apr. 16 at 1 p.m. Dive into the cutting-edge guidance and expertise at the intersection of artificial intelligence and finance. Presented by Sage, partnering with FORVIS. Cost: Free. Register
Driving culture and innovation in Indy on Apr. 17 at 3:30 p.m. at IU Indianapolis Hine Hall. Be among the first to hear Gen Z’s perspectives on arts, culture, events, and sports. Reception will follow. Presented by Efroymson Family Fund. Cost: Free. See featured panelists and register
Segmented storytelling on Apr. 17 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at The Salvation Army Indiana, 6060 Castleway W. Drive. After this session you’ll be able to identify what makes a good story, tailor stories to your audience members, and start building a story library. Presented by AFP Indiana Chapter. Cost: $30 Members/ $45 Non-Members. Register by April 11
How Donor-Advised Fund donors are giving away their money webinar on Apr. 18 at 2 p.m. Explore recent giving trends and other data related to DAFs, help understand the motivations and giving preferences of DAF donors, and share ways to attract donations from, and build ties with, those who hold these accounts. Presented by The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Cost: $69. Register
Tell stories with data webinar on Apr. 22 from 1-3 p.m. You will learn how to find a compelling narrative in your data, connect facts that build an argument, and use graphics to communicate your point. Presented by SAVI. Cost: Free. Register
Domestic Violence Network of Indianapolis needs volunteers to assist with community centered events throughout the year. Duties include: set up, event logistics, and tear down. Typical commitment is four hours on weekday evenings or weekends. Suitable for those 18 years of age and older. Learn more
Learn why nonprofits switch from a working board to a governing board and review tips for managing that change successfully.
Learn how to define clear expectations for the board’s role, recruit diverse and passionate board members, and forge strong connections between the board and your organization’s mission.
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Executive Leadership (CEO/ED/COO)
President - Community Foundation of Morgan County, Inc.
Fund Development/Marketing/PR/Advocacy
Admin Support/Clerical
Data/Research/Quality Assurance
Programs/Program Support