Note from Nate 2.2.24

Dear Church,

So, I found myself home alone this weekend, wondering what to do for dinner. I stumbled upon this pop-up food truck event online and thought, "Why not?" Despite the cold and wind, there I was, waiting in line for what felt like forever, just for a bite to eat. It got me thinking about patience, waiting, and what we're all willing to endure for something we value.

Hear me, the food was very good…it was not life changing! But, somehow, people were eager to stand in the cold (and the wind), in a long line, order, and then stand in another very long line to wait for the food. I did it too and wondered the whole time, “What am I doing?” I had the time… the Iowa Women’s game didn’t tip until 8 pm last night.

This whole experience is a lot like what we're about to step into with Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season. It's that time again where we're invited to pause, reflect, and maybe even embrace a bit of inconvenience for the sake of something much bigger than ourselves.

Ash Wednesday is right around the corner, and it's the beginning of a season where we're encouraged to look inward, to fast, pray, and maybe give up a comfort or two. But it's not just about giving stuff up; it's about opening ourselves up to what God wants to do in us and through us.

So, how about we all come together this Ash Wednesday? Let's share in this journey of reflection, asking ourselves what we're willing to endure for growth, for our faith, and for each other. Think of it as standing in line for that food truck in the cold – a little inconvenience for a greater good.

"Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:30-31 (NRSV)

Looking forward to starting this journey with all of you. Let's see what God has in store for us this Lent.

“Catch” you all soon,

Pastor Nate

PS: This year, we've got a unique blend of observance and celebration as Ash Wednesday meets Valentine's Day! Join us for a special service at noon or 6:30 pm to honor both the solemnity of reflection and the joy of love. And for those bustling about, we're offering "Ashes to Go" in the office all day. Don't miss this rare opportunity to embrace both reflection and love in one meaningful day. See you there!

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