
From Meghan E. Healey, Interim Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs:

Please be aware that CUNY has updated the guidance for international travel. At the present time, faculty traveling without students no longer require a waiver from the provost for international travel. However, CUNY faculty and staff traveling to international destinations where the U.S. State Department has listed an elevated (Level 4 or higher) Travel Health Advisory must inform their chair of their destination and reason for travel and file a Release Agreement for Destinations Under a Travel Warning prior to the commencement of travel.

Please note that faculty traveling with undergraduate students are still required to file a petition with the provost If you are traveling to any area where the U.S. State Department has issued a Level 3 or higher travel advisory, and undergraduate students are not permitted to petition to travel with you in areas where the COVID-19 advisory is higher than Level 3.

Please click here for a detailed guide to the requirements and links to these forms. This guidance supersedes previous guidance which you may have found online.

Thank you.


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