Notes for the Days Ahead
Justice Training, Hymn Sing,and the 5 PM Continues
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Worship @5PM
Continues through August

When the Advocate was launched in 2003, and for the eleven years that followed, our principal liturgy was held at 5 PM. This was an outward and visible sign of our commitment to be a church that welcomes those who might not be drawn to a more established way of being church, or who, because of work schedules could not worship on Sunday mornings. Among other things, what many of those who had been regular church-goers soon discovered, was a Sunday morning sabbath, a time of leisure and of rest. 

Summer is a good time to return to the 5 PM. So now through August, if you are out of town, or otherwise unable to get to church on Sunday morning, or if you simply want to start with week with worship, come join us. And invite a friend! A simple supper is provided following the service.

And if you prefer Sunday morning church, through August, we offer Contemplative Prayer at 9:30 AM and Morning Prayer at 10:30 AM.



Justice United Core Team Training

July 23 at the Advocate at 7 PM


Join a diverse group of religious and secular leaders from northern and southern Orange County to learn how your organization can build a Core Team for action: a group of leaders capable of building a power base to act effectively to support affordable communities and other issues that matter most to your membership. 

Time: to be posted on the Advocate website soon!


RSVP: Justice United Organizer Devin Ross, [email protected] 



Hymn Sing!
Friday July 24
7-8:30 PM

Come to the Chapel to sing old favorites and discover new friends (people and songs).
Rozanna Goocey will introduce us to songs and hymns from around the world.
Bring a favorite beverage to share, or enjoy the provisions of others. And don't forget your singing voice!