NCAR's Relational Health Workshops
Nurturing Women Series
New Shoes
Chapter 1
Empowering women to walk (and talk) in their truth.
We are delighted to annouce that our test run of this intensive workshop was well received by our volunteer clinicians. With permission, some of the comments expressed at our one-month followup meeting were...
I'm really moving out of being a victim.
I know how to take care of myself better.
It's amazing how this invisible work is the key to everything; it's validating and exciting!
Therefore, New Shoes is now open to licensed or license-eligible clinicians or referred clients who are receiving ongoing services from an iRT trained clincian. This 4-hr a day for 2 days intensive workshop also includes a no charge follow-up group one month later. Workshops are limited to three participants only. See attached flyer.
If interested, please contact Maria Ortega for a consent form and application. All selected participants will meet with Maria for a short zoom interaction prior to workshop formal acceptance.