
The term qualia is hard to explain but it has to do with the language of perception. The Oxford English dictionary defines it as “the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.” What if the phenomena in question had its own thoughts, feelings, sensations, and voice like the flower above captured ‘mid-sentence’ by my artistic colleague?


If we had a modicum of consciousness, could we see or hear what the flower is saying? In 2002, I wrote about Qualia's Nature.


The Nature of Qualia


Somewhat like a Leafy Sea Dragon, I’m accustomed to not being seen…or heard for that matter. Darting from cave to cavern, siding up to this lovely one or that sting ray, it doesn’t occur to me that I appear plain and ordinary to some, yet exotic to those that catch the glint.


Recently, I heard there is an enormous problem with Qualia. It was somewhat startling as I’ve known her for some time and have never seen a hint of anything disturbing so naturally I was quite disturbed to learn there is a disturbance. How to reassure you that Qualia is exquisitely well, naturally herself, and quite free from your collective concerns. In fact, I’ve seen her on numerous occasions suddenly assume a coral tone while schools of thought swim by arguing and mumbling something about tracks and associations trying to locate her location. Tumultuous laughter generally follows which appears mildly irritating to the calculations who struggle to regain their momentum. Occasionally, I’ve seen her assume a striking gray tone just to hear the commotion. “Did you see that?…What…That!…No I saw this…No, it was that” until she gets bored with circles running in squares. 


I will say this though. Sometimes, I hear a hush seeping deeply. Although never seen, I’m told it is the love of Qualia in the presence of Her child.






We, and all of our Children need this.

NCAR is delighted to bring a bit of our world to others and is sending Notes on a monthly basis. Each Note will focus on some aspect on the Neuroscience of Attachment that applies to all of us and is the specialization of NCAR. Notes build on each other and involve key concepts in Integrative Regulation Therapy (iRT: Newton, 2009-2024), a neurobiological subcortical scaffolding for depth therapies. Feel free to forward to others.

"Without darkness, nothing comes to birth [and] without light, nothing flowers."

--May Sarton

The best of living to you,

Ruth Newton

NCAR's Vision

That all children feel known, loved, valued, and guided by secure, conscious, and loving parents who strive to live an authentic life that supports a civilized world.

NCAR's Mission

To promote emotional security, growth, and happiness in children, adults, couples, and families.

Copyright © 2024 Ruth P. Newton

Newton Center for Affect Regulation (NCAR)

1545 Hotel Circle South, Suite 280

San Diego, CA 92108

619 782-9477


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