Stretching It


You're going along having a fine day and then all of a sudden this happens! Whose

idea was it to leave me looking like a chocolate pineapple! Humans continue to

think I like what they like…sometimes it’s true when it’s steak…but shampoo…really, this is over the top.

Can't they read my eyes?

I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now; it's so confusing. I always thought humans knew just about everything, especially about me because I love them like crazy, but lately I’m beginning to sense I may have made a colossal error! This pineapple on my head is proof positive.

You know what’s confusing? I’m just starting to see that even though I think humans ‘get me’ often they have no idea who I am! This is really, really, really scary for me because I'll follow them just about anywhere...and I assume they know the right way!

It reminds me once when we were out driving, I looked over to see an ancient man driving slowly on the freeway practically laying horizontal in the driver's seat. Towering over him was his 'man's best friend' with Help flashing in his eyes. I tried to get the attention of my human, but she was busy thinking.

It's beginning to dawn on me that humans may think I’m just some kind of category…like a helper or a function? I'm the heart, don't they know that!

I suppose there is some consolation because they always reach for me at night…unless they are on their cell phones. 

Newton, March 2023


We, and all of our Children need this.


NCAR is delighted to bring a bit of our world to others and is sending Notes on a monthly basis. Each Note will focus on some aspect on the Neuroscience of Attachment that applies to all of us and is the specialization of NCAR. Notes build on each other and involve key concepts in Integrative Regulation Therapy (iRT: Newton, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021), a neurobiological subcortical scaffolding for depth therapies. Feel free to forward to others.

“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.”

― Martin Buber

The best of living to you,

Ruth Newton

NCAR's Vision

That all children feel known, loved, valued, and guided by secure, conscious, and loving parents who strive to live an authentic life that supports a civilized world.

NCAR's Mission

To promote emotional security, growth, and happiness in children, adults, couples, and families.

Copyright © 2023 Ruth P. Newton

Newton Center for Affect Regulation (NCAR)
1545 Hotel Circle South, Suite 280
San Diego, CA 92108
619 782-9477
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